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Flynt Smathers

New Member
Apr 18, 2018
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Has anyone every used an Inspire 1... inside, without blades, landing gear raised, held in hands to capture video? Seems to me, in theory, it should be just as effective as a glide cam. Does anyone have experience with this? Was it effective?
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I've never used my Inspire in this fashion but other sUAS we have several times. We've done interior photo and video in this fashion and edited it into some flying video. Most of the time it turns out very well but it takes some practice to get the lighting etc right. I do prefer other camera options but in a pinch you can make it work just check your work before you leave the site.

In all honesty we didn't even remove the props.

You'll need to be prepared to use some algorithmic magic in post to handle the noise in shadows .The sensor size just doesn't compare to a full size sensor in a dslr.
We have tried using the I1 a few times indoors, usually to cut down on the amount of equipment that needs to be lugged around. However, we quickly standardized on the Osmo+Z-axis stabilizer for small jobs and bigger DSLR rigs for higher-end work.

If you're using the stock X3, Tennessee hit the nail on the head; you'll potentially need to do quite a lot of correction in post if you're not bringing your own light sources.

Whether you're using the X3 or X5, I would spend the money to buy an Osmo and Z-axis stabilizer. That will minimize the footprint of your equipment and, with the Z-axis stabilizer, all but eliminate any up and down motion that walking tends to produce.
I even use a polar pro katana hand held gimable system for my MP2 if I dont have my osmo or ronin.. Great quick fix but be ready to work it out in post... After a few indoor flights and rotor wash you can see why its so much easier and safer.
If what your doing is for commercial work, I think it is a very bad idea. The difference between the quality of photos from my Inspire 2 and My Nikon full sensor camera is dramatically different. I have snapped pictures indoors with the Inspire 2 while on the work bench and good lighting, terrible photos. Just my one cent opinion.

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