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Nov 27, 2023 Site Mapping Project


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Jan 8, 2018
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Western North Carolina
Here's the latest Site Map (3D model) of a every other week project I'm working on. It's def not perfect but it's getting better with each revision:

Here's the latest Site Map (3D model) of a every other week project I'm working on. It's def not perfect but it's getting better with each revision:

Nicely done, BigA107! What equipment, software, and scanning and processing technique do you use, if you don't mind sharing?
Nicely done, BigA107! What equipment, software, and scanning and processing technique do you use, if you don't mind sharing?

Thank you. It's getting better but still not the quality I'm striving for.

I'm flying Mavic 2 Pro (no filters etc)
Using Drone Deploy for Flight Planning and Data Acquisition
Using the Enhanced Option w/CrossHatch & Orbit in DD but have increased Overlap to 85/80
I do a couple of Manual Orbits around the perimeter down low shooting to capture more data down low (eaves and under hanges etc).
I process the Data with MetaShape using a Batch File so expedite the initial processing

Any more questions just ask. I'll try to help.
Thank you. It's getting better but still not the quality I'm striving for.

I'm flying Mavic 2 Pro (no filters etc)
Using Drone Deploy for Flight Planning and Data Acquisition
Using the Enhanced Option w/CrossHatch & Orbit in DD but have increased Overlap to 85/80
I do a couple of Manual Orbits around the perimeter down low shooting to capture more data down low (eaves and under hanges etc).
I process the Data with MetaShape using a Batch File so expedite the initial processing

Any more questions just ask. I'll try to help.

Thanks, impressive.
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Here's the latest Site Map (3D model) of a every other week project I'm working on. It's def not perfect but it's getting better with each revision:

The building looks very good. How many photos/passes did it take?
I like how the cars are messed up though. Makes them look like ratrods or collision derby leftovers or even some of the older car racing games like Need for Speed.
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The building looks very good. How many photos/passes did it take?
I like how the cars are messed up though. Makes them look like ratrods or collision derby leftovers or even some of the older car racing games like Need for Speed.

Thank you.

I have Drone Deploy set up to use the "Enhanced Flight" which uses an oblique angle (65def I think), Crosshatch, and a single orbit all within one flight.
I then change the battery and I did a 2nd orbit very low with a much more shallow camera angle but not showing much )if any) sky at all. This is a Manual Flight taking images very often in order to capture some of the lower facade/eave details.

I think total photos was around 350 IIRC. I'm going back early next week to do another one so I will confirm after that.
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Cool! Good detail! Curious if this is something you’re doing as a practice/portfolio builder or hired? I’m still struggling to find interested clients in the construction progression niche, in general. They all seem to be uninterested, have their own in-house remote pilot, etc. It’s a challenge to show them the value.

One other thing I’ve wondered, regarding 3D models (everywhere I’ve seen) is why they don’t have the same resolution as a 2D ortho, when just looking straight down, nadir views, of flat horizontal surfaces.

Keep it up, your work is an inspiration!
Cool! Good detail! Curious if this is something you’re doing as a practice/portfolio builder or hired? I’m still struggling to find interested clients in the construction progression niche, in general. They all seem to be uninterested, have their own in-house remote pilot, etc. It’s a challenge to show them the value.

One other thing I’ve wondered, regarding 3D models (everywhere I’ve seen) is why they don’t have the same resolution as a 2D ortho, when just looking straight down, nadir views, of flat horizontal surfaces.

Keep it up, your work is an inspiration!

This project is sort of "both". The client wanted a Before Construction and a Post Construction model so I'm taking the "time between" to hone my skills (hopefully).

I have another project that just finished the Rough Grading (aka BLASTING) today so I was able to test out some new processes today. I'm now using a DJI Mini 4 Pro for a lot of my Construction Work and have been wanting to use them for modeling/photogrammetry as well. The fact that the SDK hasn't been released has been a huge road block until recently. A local Drone Guy and Coder has made a work around and although it's not nearly as refined as Drone Deploy etc it seems to be able to handle my tasks. Keep in mind there is no STRUCTURE (so to speak) yet but this is an excellent first off for this project.

Wow that's beautiful.

Thank you. I'm surprised how well it turned out especially coming from the Mini 4 Pro, single pass, with no Lower Level Facade captures. That was literally a 5min 45sec flight and beyond simple to get a "decent" product.

I can't wait to get back to my "Big Project" in 2 weeks and try it again. I was there last week but my "Estimated Building Location" had a slight error and I only captured 1/2 of the building. I'm going to do a simple flight like the one above (75deg) flying N-S but I'm also going to do a 2nd one with the M4P flying (75deg) E-W then a 3rd manual flight shooting facades at roughly 45-50 degrees. I'll process it with the First flight only, then process with First and Second flights only, and lastly I'll process with the data from all THREE flights to see how much the extra effort really increases the DATA going into the model.

The above DATA was gathered with the following stats:
  • 250' AGL (Terrain Following to account for a huge difference in Terra Firma across the site)
  • 12 fps aircraft speed
  • 75deg gimbal tilt
  • 50' distance between flight paths
  • North/South flight orientation
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Since DJI hasn't released the SDK for the Mini 4 Pro I had to use a new "Custom" process created by a local guy here in NC. Here's a link over on the MavicPilots forum:

Very nice results for just a single grid. Once I get more work I think I’ll be making the switch to drone deploy.

Curious-Is your client in each of these cases the general contractor? Architect? Owner/developer? I apologize if I already asked that on your hotel project.

Really looking forward to your findings on comparing all the collection methods.
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Very nice results for just a single grid. Once I get more work I think I’ll be making the switch to drone deploy.

Curious-Is your client in each of these cases the general contractor? Architect? Owner/developer? I apologize if I already asked that on your hotel project.

Really looking forward to your findings on comparing all the collection methods.
I have several "Construction Clients" but I'll gladly address these (2) projects.

The one noted above that doesn't have a structure yet is being performed for the Architectural Firm. They hired us directly from the suggestion of a previous client.

The one at the first of this thread is being done for the Owner of the property. We hope to be doing their build projects all over the US and some Caribbean areas once they break ground.
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