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Online 107 Courses

Jan 17, 2018
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Hello Group. I have hit the point in my business that requires me hire a second pilot. I have hired someone, and am looking for recommendations on the best online Part 107 class. I self studied when I took the test, but want to put my hires through a course. I will be providing most of the field training. Suggestions are appreciated.

Thank You Thomas
Hello Group. I have hit the point in my business that requires me hire a second pilot. I have hired someone, and am looking for recommendations on the best online Part 107 class. I self studied when I took the test, but want to put my hires through a course. I will be providing most of the field training. Suggestions are appreciated.

Thank You Thomas

First, congratulations on the business expansion!

You're doing the right thing by requiring new hires to go through formal instruction. As a suggestion, you should also document your field training.

I can personally speak for the Gleim online Part 107 training and test prep. I liked the way they laid it out the class material and practice tests. I am not affiliated with Gleim...just a happy customer.
I suggest you check out Gold Seal. You can set it up so that you automatically receive emails when your employees take quizzes, and can generate status reports so that you can see who is going through the lessons, and who isn't.

Additionally, your employees can earn their Night Training Endorsement. This shows the FAA that your staff has been properly trained when flying under a Daylight Waiver. It's all built right in.

Sign up for a free test drive and evaluate it yourself.

Congratulations on the growth of your business. All of our staff has used RemotePilot101.com since the introduction of 107 and we often refer this course to our customers and enterprise partners. It's $149 and you receive the course for life which is constantly updated. They also have helpful free resources on their website here: Resources | Remote Pilot 101

Safe flying and best of luck in your business.
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Wow, I don't have any suggestions, but I think it is wonderful that you are willing to train and have taught professionally giving someone an opportunity to come into the business with little of no expense on their part. Good for you.
Thank you all for your inputs. I am interested in the night training aspects of Gold Seal. I spent $80.00 for the FAA certified trainer when I went through it. I will have my new person doing some IR at night as he progresses in experience, that will give me some savings
Thank you all for your inputs. I am interested in the night training aspects of Gold Seal. I spent $80.00 for the FAA certified trainer when I went through it. I will have my new person doing some IR at night as he progresses in experience, that will give me some savings
If you have any RPs that already have their Part 107 certificate, they can sign up for the Gold Seal night training a la carte for just $20. For everyone else taking the full program, it is built in.The FAA has been accepting the Gold Seal certificates without a problem.
I used Gold Seal to study for my 107 exam. I really liked the way material was presented and the quick response I received when I contacted them for clarification and answered my questions.I dont see how you can go wrong using them imho. Congrats on the business expansion (to bad your not here in Dallas)!
I bought a drone last Christmas and have really enjoyed it. My husband asked if I could use it for his real estate photos so I looked up the laws. Then I called the local testing center, the guy told me I didn't need to study as the test is really easy. That didn't sound right so I looked up sample test. I found that I needed to learn a lot as I didn't even know the difference between latitude and longitude. I looked up flight schools and a few reviews, then signed up for Gold Seal. Glad I did. They don't teach to the test, they actually impart knowledge. I was talking to a pilot and telling him all I had to learn for a unmanned license and he started laughing and told me to go get my manned pilot's license as well.
I bought a drone last Christmas and have really enjoyed it. My husband asked if I could use it for his real estate photos so I looked up the laws. Then I called the local testing center, the guy told me I didn't need to study as the test is really easy. That didn't sound right so I looked up sample test. I found that I needed to learn a lot as I didn't even know the difference between latitude and longitude. I looked up flight schools and a few reviews, then signed up for Gold Seal. Glad I did. They don't teach to the test, they actually impart knowledge. I was talking to a pilot and telling him all I had to learn for a unmanned license and he started laughing and told me to go get my manned pilot's license as well.

First off welcome to the Commercial Drone Pilots forum. We are glad to have you on board. I'm confident you'll find lots of helpful and enlightening information throughout this forum.

If you haven't already done so, consider adding your LOCATION to your forum profile to help us know where you are when you post suggestions or ask for assistance. It helps a lot more than you might think especially because this is an international forum with members from all parts of the world. Here's a direct link to yours:


Speaking from a PPL holder it may seem like you're a long way towards getting your PPL but in reality it's not that far along. It's GREAT information and if you have the desire/inclination to get your PPL (and I do HIGHLY suggest you do... its a HUGE joy to actually fly the airplane you're in) it will be a good start to getting your PPL.

Good luck in your endeavors and congrats on selecting the (IMHO) best online Drone/sUAS teaching program on the market. They have created the industry standard for training and set the bar very high. Since it's a LIFETIME membership you can go back and brush-up and learn more as the technology changes and regulations "evolve". You'll always be up to date if you stick with Gold Seal UAV Ground School.

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There is also the option of professional flight training. Avion in Huntsville, AL, teaches the 107, but they also teach flying. They teach with Phantoms, Inspire 1 & 2 so the student gets to fly all three. They also teach proper care and inspection of the drone. However it isn't cheap but when you finish their week long course you know how to fly and fly safely.
I prefer Gleim. I first used them for Sport Pilot and Private. I had great success - I easily passed the Private Pilot with plenty of room to spare.

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