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P4P Video Issues With iPad

Negative... Never operated outside of the southeast (NC, SC, GA, VA). While I'm sure it's not anything like what you're describing it's definitely no cake walk (90-100ish highs during the summer mos). I've used iPads for work that regularly overheated, I've never had that happen on an Android device (phone or tablet). I always just assumed that was a problem specific to Apple. I'm not sure if anyone else has had an overheating issue on an Android device, Samsung in particular? I'd be curious to know. I can only speak to my personal experience when I say thats never happened to me.
Likewise .. the only report of a heat issue with an Android tablet was here, but each summer it's common to see Apple users commenting on overheating issues in the Phantom and Mavic forums.
I got a Samsung Tab A coming soon. I'll report on my heat tests.

113 degrees in the sun today. As expected, IPAD crapped out around 106, Samsung Tab A still strong at 113.
Too bad so many good apps are IOS only. But the basic DJI GO/DJI GO 4 work fine.
Your mileage may vary.

heat test.jpg
I use DJIGO4, DroneDeploy, and Litchi regularly and have been trying out Pix4dcapture a little and don't have any issues running any of them. With GO4 every device seems a little different in getting the blue 'Go Fly' button to appear lol. The sequence that works best for me is start AC, start GO4 with tablet already connected to RC. Once I've selected the proper aircraft I turn on the RC and a few seconds after the AC and RC link I'll get my Go Fly button on my screen. I'm sure there are other ways you can do it but that's the sequence I've found to work best for me and the Tab A.
It's sort of tricky. Your steps didn't work for me; I followed the usual steps:
1. connect tablet to RC
2. turn on both.
3. turn on AC; could not get the two to link.....FRUSTRATED...
4. disconnected/reconnected tablet and voila, then it sees the M600.
Just wondering but why is everyone SO reluctant to use anything but Apple? I'm currently using a Samsung Tab A that I bought off some kid on CL for $60. I can't say enough about how reliable and problem free this thing has been. I definitely don't have a dog in this fight, no reason to sing it's praises other than they're well deserved. I've answered questions about tablets in other threads with the same answer SAMSUNG TAB A but everyone seems so reluctant to use anything but iPad. For the life of me I don't understand why, they cost 3-4 times as much for comparable results. I have had ZERO issues running any of the usual apps - DJIGO4, DD, Litchi, Pix4dcapture, Airmaps, Kittyhawk, Drone Up. I did learn quickly there was no way I was gonna let DroneBases app have autonomous control of my P4P (experienced 2 flyaway) but was luckily able to regain control both times and since then I just flew the missions myself. But that issue was later found to be in DB own software and not something I had any control over. I'm not saying all you Apple guys should run out tomorrow and grab a Tab A but if you're in the market for a tablet already it should be something you at least consider.

I agree, I use the Samsung on my Mavic Pro, works great. Co I was working for insisted on the iPad so it was their money, I bought two where I believe one Samsung would have done the trick. Other than I don't think Drone Deploy works with Samsung yet.
I agree, I use the Samsung on my Mavic Pro, works great. Co I was working for insisted on the iPad so it was their money, I bought two where I believe one Samsung would have done the trick. Other than I don't think Drone Deploy works with Samsung yet.
Sorry for the late reply.... But just wanted to advise that last part is incorrect. I use DD all the time on my Tab A, it's how I prefer to collect my datasets. Tried Pix4dcapture and wasn't very impressed altho I will use it when what I'm after is a single 3D model since an orbit type method of capture isnt an option in DD. I haven't figured out exactly how to set it up so the orbit method is still a work in progress lol.

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