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Phantom 4 Pro v01.06.0910 - Inconsistent Firmware Found


Well-Known Member
DSAR Member
Jan 15, 2018
Reaction score
Southern Arizona
I received a new Phantom 4 Pro v1 (Obsidian) aircraft back from DJI repair on Friday, with firmware v01.06.0910.

When starting up for a new flight, I get an "Inconsistent Firmware Found" dialog in DJI GO4, so I "slide to Update." That appears to be successful, but I continually get the same message after each startup.

I have gone through the process at least three times on all eight of my batteries, trying different sequences of powering on and off the aircraft, controller, and iPad. All with the same (non) result.

I then connected the aircraft to DJI Assistant 2 for Phantom, and still get the same behavior.

Has anyone else seen version 01.06.0910, and does it have this "Inconsistent Firmware Found" problem?

IMG_0074.jpg IMG_0082.jpg 2020-03-22_13-26-36.jpg 2020-03-22_13-29-41.jpg 2020-03-22_13-30-07.jpg
Missed that part, sorry. But that is usually the message when one or the other (batteries or aircraft) are out of sync, as it were, regarding updates. I'm out of suggestions. Let's hope someone else can crack the code.
Yup, I have been through this many times over the past four years with several DJI aircraft...

Something with this firmware version is not playing nice with the version on the batteries from the aircraft sent in for repair.

I have a P4P with much older firmware, I think I will try letting that downgrade a battery, then try upgrading from that on the new aircraft again.

Missed that part, sorry. But that is usually the message when one or the other (batteries or aircraft) are out of sync, as it were, regarding updates. I'm out of suggestions. Let's hope someone else can crack the code.
Try posting on the official DJI forum. One of their tech experts should be able to help.

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