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DSAR Member
Mar 9, 2019
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I have been ask to video tape a graduation / retirement ceremony for the out Principal and in-coming Principal...tomorrow - Friday.

There will be an helicopter at the event. The helicopter pilot has ask me to video tape his helicopter coming and going.
also after the engine is shut down - I see this as not issue.

The real issue for me is, that he has ask me to fly above the helicopter, when the helicopter is on the ground, blades rotating...he said 200 ft above, I told him 400 ft above for safety reasons / regulations - I think....I really do not know.

I am posting this concern to get some feedback.

it is located at a school, kids and parents will be present.

both of the school Principal's, staff, and security knows I am coming.

here is description of what is ask of me for this job:

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Seems like a formidable assignment even for a seasoned pro to pull off. How skilled are you at flying? Like may clients out there, it sounds like your client is asking you to do some very risky things with no clue regarding safety. Are you going to be able to avoid flying/passing over all of the people in attendance? How do you expect to time the helicopter arrival and be in the air for it? Will you be in radio contact? Just hovering waiting for it to show up as your battery runs down? Things like that happen pretty fast and unless you are communicating with the heli pilot to coordinate it is likely you will miss the requested shot. It was tough enough timing a school bus arrival at a nature preserve for one of my assignments. Good luck with a helicopter coming in. Items #4 and 5 should be done with a hand-held video. Flying a drone close to a person is just asking for a serious injury -- and I don't see how you can do that without endangering other people also standing nearby. I'm also surprised at the helicopter pilot's lack of concern. If your drone were to suddenly lose a prop, or auto land because you battery is critically low, is he okay with it dropping into his spinning blades from above and damaging them? Just some of the concerns I would have. And another.. Do you have liability insurance?
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I think 200 feet above the helicopter while it is on the ground is safe, rotor wash at 200 feet coming off the ground won't effect you at 200 feet.
You didn't mention what drone you are flying. Flying an orbital should be no problem as long as you can avoid overflight of people.
Close up of participants with the drone is definitely a bad idea and most likely illegal.
Since you are fly at a school, remember kids are unpredictable and you as the pilot have sole responsibility for their safety when it comes to the drone operations.
As for the closeups, I would look for a professional photographer to do them.
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I'm VERY late to this convo but I can tell you 100% I wouldn't do this unless I had a crap load of insurance. One mistake could result in your UAS impacting the rotating blades and being sent into the crowd of KIDS and we all know how the media would eat that story up. I always look at it from the Worst Case Scenario and then work back from there.

I'm anxious to hear how it went.

I wanted to say thanks for all of the support. The event went fine. I did show up a little late, because of all of the traffic. but I did get the video. it was a rush job.

I just read the rest of the posts. I flew the Mavic 3 cine.
Penty of juice in the battery. The Mavic 3 Cine has a zoom feature I use it a lot to stay away from the kids and the crowd. Outstanding drone.

and yes, me and at the helicopter pilot, and a meeting days before the event, to go over the details of where to position my drone, when and where not too. Safety was the biggest concern for the both of us, for eveyone there, including the kids, adults, helicopter, drone. especially those blades on the helicopter.

The zoom feature on the Mavic 3 Cine is outstanding.
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I wanted to say thanks for all of the support. The event went fine. I did show up a little late, because of all of the traffic. but I did get the video. it was a rush job.

I just read the rest of the posts. I flew the Mavic 3 cine.
Penty of juice in the battery. The Mavic 3 Cine has a zoom feature I use it a lot to stay away from the kids and the crowd. Outstanding drone.

and yes, me and at the helicopter pilot, and a meeting days before the event, to go over the details of where to position my drone, when and where not too. Safety was the biggest concern for the both of us, for eveyone there, including the kids, adults, helicopter, drone. especially those blades on the helicopter.

The zoom feature on the Mavic 3 Cine is outstanding.
and the biggest question of all... When do we get to see the results? :)
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