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.Raw vs Raw


Oct 20, 2023
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Wondering if you’ve run into clients asking for Raw files when they really just mean unedited. I wonder if most people know the difference between .raw and .jpeg.
I've ran into both situations over the years. I first dealt with "Raw" data when working with a production company and they were talking about RAW video (unedited).

Pays to ask your client for clarification up front :)
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RAW, as BigAl says in the photography world is just the unedited pure capture data from the sensor. As soon as you take it into software and change any parameters, it will no longer be a RAW file and will be saved as some kind of regular format (.psd, .tif, .jpg etc.)
In the video world, there are fewer cameras that shoot true RAW. Most shoot some kind of log format to take advantage of the dynamic range of the sensor. As far as I know, unless you're flying a custom rig, a Sony Airpeak (which will mount a series of Sony cameras) or an Inspire, most drones will shoot some kind of proprietary log format. (S-log, Dlog, DlogM...etc) and not RAW video.
There are many names for RAW depending on the camera (DNG for photograohy is the most common) video RAW formats can be BRAW, ProRes RAw, etc.
RAW is in it's most basic definition is unfiltered, unedited camera sensor data and as soon as you do any manipulation, it ceases to be a RAW file.
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Wondering if you’ve run into clients asking for Raw files when they really just mean unedited. I wonder if most people know the difference between .raw and .jpeg.
It is not .raw. Raw files are in .dng extension. Raw files include extensive data in the file allowing you to recover and produce amazing final photos. I recommend always taking project work in JPEG + RAW. You will get both .jpg and .dng files.

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