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Recommended drone for dropping emergency supplies

Hi all, first post! As the tech/marketing guy at our company who files a Mavic for marketing videos my superiors have come to me to see what options are available in the drone world for dropping emergency supplies (like medicine) to our teams in the field. At this point I'm most interested in learning if in fact there are drones out there that can accomplish this task (ie. as opposed to being schooled on legalities or regulations). I've read there are long range drones coming on the market recently but would like to get some opinions from the experts here. Essentially we are in a jungle environment with geologists out in the field up to 100kms from civilization and if they step on a snake or get bitten by a tarantula things go bad quick. It would increase safety factor huge amounts if we could take their gps location from a Spot beacon, punch them into the drone, and hit Go... have it fly out drop at the coordinates... fly back (obviously simplified but you get the idea). We've been at this for a year and have only had one snake bite death threat so it's not like we're doing 500 shipments a day, emergency use only. Considering the potential safety add, I believe we are willing to spend quite a fair amount to have this as a fallback option.

Can anyone help me understand what commercial (or home brew!) options are available for, as a guess, 100km range and a payload of, say, up to 10lbs? I'm not even sure if this is possible... I assume by throwing enough money at a problem anything is possible though.

Thanks for helping me move out of being a complete green belt in long range drone options. =]
This is a German outfit, worth an email.
Delivery – Wingcopter



  • Wingcopter-DHL-975x420.jpg
    91 KB · Views: 2
Jeezus... 240km/h! And an 85km range with a 4 kg payload. Now THAT sounds like a machine, blows everything else out of the water. I have an email in to them now for details. Will reply back as soon as I can... thank you SO much Luis!!
Hi all, first post! As the tech/marketing guy at our company who files a Mavic for marketing videos my superiors have come to me to see what options are available in the drone world for dropping emergency supplies (like medicine) to our teams in the field. At this point I'm most interested in learning if in fact there are drones out there that can accomplish this task (ie. as opposed to being schooled on legalities or regulations). I've read there are long range drones coming on the market recently but would like to get some opinions from the experts here. Essentially we are in a jungle environment with geologists out in the field up to 100kms from civilization and if they step on a snake or get bitten by a tarantula things go bad quick. It would increase safety factor huge amounts if we could take their gps location from a Spot beacon, punch them into the drone, and hit Go... have it fly out drop at the coordinates... fly back (obviously simplified but you get the idea). We've been at this for a year and have only had one snake bite death threat so it's not like we're doing 500 shipments a day, emergency use only. Considering the potential safety add, I believe we are willing to spend quite a fair amount to have this as a fallback option.

Can anyone help me understand what commercial (or home brew!) options are available for, as a guess, 100km range and a payload of, say, up to 10lbs? I'm not even sure if this is possible... I assume by throwing enough money at a problem anything is possible though.

Thanks for helping me move out of being a complete green belt in long range drone options. =]
BVLOS 30km mission - Aeromao- UAV Systems

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