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Regulations in Mexico

I just returned from a shoot near Douglas, AZ and Agua Prieta, MX. Dove into the laws ans for this particular shoot was able to fly without issue. The nearest airport was in glass G, we had the cooperation of border patrol and the mayor of each city. This was a very particular shoot for an art project from the UK. Everyone was very helpful. I have a shoot coming up south of Rosarito, MX. I do think it will go as smooth.

More concerned about bringing all my equipment across border line and being hit with a VAT tax like I have heard. After speaking with border patrol, thye said it was unlikely in the area I was in near Douglas, but you could stumble into someone who will have a bad day. Advise I was told, bring your receipts and be prepared to show documentation of purchase in the US. Other pilots have advised me to only fly what you are willing to loose.

Any feedback on going in and out of Mexico with a whole kit would be helpful. Thanks-
it is correct they will ask you for the invoices of all purchases and they will charge you the taxes according to what you bring. What I'm not sure is that they are returned to you if you leave through the same sentry box that you entered. Here the law to fly drones is very restrictive, I tell you that among other things for commercial use:
- register the drone before the sct
- have insurance approx.
- Do not fly from airports, etc.
I have heard and read of being hit with a “tax” to leave certain parts of Mexico. I have yet to take my drone to Mexico in particular to Mexico City and neighboring Cuernavaca Mx which is where I visit frequently.

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