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Shaky video stabilization

Ryan Fox

Jan 18, 2018
Reaction score
This is a little different from the usual projects here. I work in image processing and computer vision software. I've been building an application to automatically stabilize video.

Here's a before/after sample of the results. The shots are exaggerated to really make the results evident - it looks better on a bigger screen.

It's pretty simple - you upload your video from a phone/tablet/computer, it is automatically processed, and you get a notification when it's done. It lives at dronestable.com. I would love any feedback. Thanks!
There is existing software that already does this, but the output can end up heavily cropped. Yours seems to be same area - unless you cropped the original in post. Did you? If not it's awesome.
There's really two ways to compensate for shakiness: stretching the image and zooming. Zoom can be in or out, that's where you end up with cropping or black bars.

Drone Stable by default chooses a happy medium between stretching and zooming. The output videos are the same resolution as your inputs - upload 4k, get back 4k.

It will still show black bars under extreme movements, but tries to minimize the amount of lost to cropping.
Sounds good! I have tried the image stabilisation in both da Vinci and Adobe Elements and they both crop far too much (the more the shaking, the more you lose to cropping).
I'd be interested to try it. (And will).
This is a little different from the usual projects here. I work in image processing and computer vision software. I've been building an application to automatically stabilize video.

Here's a before/after sample of the results. The shots are exaggerated to really make the results evident - it looks better on a bigger screen.

It's pretty simple - you upload your video from a phone/tablet/computer, it is automatically processed, and you get a notification when it's done. It lives at dronestable.com. I would love any feedback. Thanks!
Very nice, Ryan. I will definitely save the link. There may be times when this software would be useful. Currently my Solo systems with the Solo Gimbals (and other upgrades) provide very smooth video in the air and at ground-level. That said... there are times when I get useful shots by accident while directly guiding to program a shot. So here's a question: Can your software remove or mitigate the up-and-down movements from someone walking with a camera (like in the scenes at the end of your demo video). I currently use rolling dollies to remove the bobbing as I walk, for either indoor and outdoor shots. Would be nice not to haul that gear to some job sites.
Thanks for the nice message.

It does mitigate hand-held shake or bobbing. I find some of the strongest results come from fixing up hand-held video. Certainly may help on terrain that's impractical to use a dolly :)

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