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Sharing My Music and Sound Effects - Over 2000 Tracks


I have some new free tracks in the Fantasy genre as well as Chiptunes:

“ETHEREA” – If only places like this actually existed. Anyhow, this might sound nice in a fantasy game, visual novel or perhaps something else.

“ARCADE SPACE ADVENTURES” – For just a quarter…those were the days…(I’ve been getting nostalgic for coin-op games.) Anyhow, I did this track “on the fly”…it might be fun in a 2D retro game of some kind. Enjoy!

“FUNKY PIXELTOWN” – Overflowing with characters who are just too cool for words…(at least in their own minds.)

Hope you’re having a good week!
Hey guys,

Here are this week’s new tracks. Free to use with attribution. Enjoy!

8-BIT ANTICS – Maybe for a cute retro-2D game? Or something else?
Chiptunes 3 | Soundimage.org

THE ANT HILL GANG SADDLES UP AGAIN – And they’re off…the most incompetent gang to ever (attempt to) ride across the west. They’ll probably get lost. Anyhow, this might be fun in a comedic western-themed piece.
Funny 6 | Soundimage.org

TECHNO RANDOMNESS – Unlike many of my tracks that are built layer by layer, this one was done “live” (in real-time) by improvising with two of my synths at the same time. Perhaps useful in some kind of wacky technology-based puzzle game?
Puzzle Music 4 | Soundimage.org

DYSTOPIAN SUNSET – Perched atop a mile-high structure, the machine-being stares out over the shimmering grid, wondering what the night will bring.
Sci-Fi 7 | Soundimage.org

Here are this week’s new tracks. Free to use with attribution:

MAGICAL BACKSTORY – (Looping) – This might sound nice under the menus, backstory, etc., in a mystical fantasy game, RPG or maybe a visual novel.


DRIFTING AWAY IN PUZZLE LAND – (Looping) – Sometimes…(actually lots of times)…I wish I could do just that. Anyhow, this is a variation of one of my other themes.

Puzzle Music 4 | Soundimage.org

FUTURE FUNK – (Looping) – Here’s a grungy looping piece with a mechanical feel and a funky vibe that might sound cool in a sci-fi game of some kind.


And for tracks specifically created for aerial / drone videos, make sure to check out my Aerial/Drone pages:

Happy May!

Here are this week’s brand new music tracks. Free as always to use with attribution:

On my City/Urban 2 page, we have:

SAFE CRACKING – (Standard and Looping) – This piece might be fun in a crime-based game or film. (2:19)
city urban 2 | Soundimage.org

On my Puzzle Music 4 page:

GAME WORLD BUILDERS – (Looping) – Here’s a track that’s kind of mechanical sounding and dreamy at the same time. Perhaps for a construction-based puzzle game? (:57)
Puzzle Music 4 | Soundimage.org

And on my Sci-Fi 7 page:

ENEMY INFILTRATION – (Looping) – This track has a grungy techno feel and might sound cool under interior battle scenes or other things. Maybe aboard a star cruiser? Or in an alien city? (1:32)
Sci-Fi 7 | Soundimage.org

Another super busy week…ugh…but I did manage to get a couple of new tracks done. Free as always to use with attribution:

On my Horror/Surreal page, we have:

CREEPY ACTION – (Looping) – This track might sound cool in a quick moving horror piece…or perhaps something else that combines action with creepiness. It came out pretty well…if you need something like this, give it a try.
Horror Music | Soundimage.org

On my Puzzle Music 4 page:

CRYSTAL PUZZLES – (Looping) – This track might sound nice in, well, a puzzle game involving crystals….or perhaps other shimmering objects, light rays, etc. It has a techno feel to it as well. Should sound pretty cool under sound fx.
Puzzle Music 4 | Soundimage.org

Btw, if anyone happens to have kids (or know someone who does) I’ve created a learning series that teaches them environmental stewardship in a fun way through stories and characters. It was my first try at making films with a DSLR…(they can be very challenging to work with in the field)…but I think they came out pretty well. The organization I made them for was very happy with them and uses the films all the time…hopefully others can benefit from them as well. Please feel free to share with teachers, family, friends or anyone you know who might find them useful.

Dune's Island | Soundimage.org

Greetings Earth People,

This week’s new music tracks are:

On my Sci-Fi 7 page:

"INVASION!" – They’re heading this way! Run for your life! Aliens? Zombies? Slimy monsters? Something else entirely?

Sci-Fi 7 | Soundimage.org

On my Funny 6 page:

“PARTY GHOULS” - Rockin’ it in their haunted party mansion. This track might be fun in a goofy Halloween-themed game or something like that.

Funny 6 | Soundimage.org

And two tracks on my Positive / Upbeat page:

"OF SUMMERS GONE BY" – Here’s a high energy 80’s-style piece with a sweet, slightly magical feel that might sound nice in a game, video or perhaps something else.

CAREFREE DAYS AT PELICAN SHORES – Carefree and creative…bouncing around town without a worry in the world. Wouldn’t that be great?

Positive Upbeat | Soundimage.org

All are free to use, as always, with attribution.

If anyone has kids or younger siblings, I've created a fun environmental learning series that (I hope) will engage them through stories and characters. The organization I made it for uses the films all the time, and I'm sharing them with the rest of the world. Please feel free to check them out and share with friends, parents, teachers or anyone else who might find them helpful.

Dune's Island | Soundimage.org

Keep being creative and have a good weekend!
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Hi everyone,

Here’s a brand new music track for you:

On my City/Urban page:

ON THE PROWL WITH CAPED CRUSADER CAT – Wandering the midnight streets, searching for wrong-doers.
city urban 2 | Soundimage.org

I’m also working to build up the ambience section of my site…so here are some cool new ambiences on my AMB - Sci-Fi Ambience page:

MACHINE DREAMS – I wonder what it’s dreaming about? This might sound nice to create an eerie, weird-feeling environment or situation.

MYSTERIOUS AMBIENCE – This one might work for an alien underwater environment…or perhaps something else.
Sci-Fi Ambience | Soundimage.org

If you find my work helpful, please consider making a donation to my website. The synthesizers I use to create the music and sounds that I share with everyone are very expensive…so expensive, in fact, that I have to make monthly payments on them…and donations really help me a lot to pay for them. Thanks in advance…and please feel free to share your projects…I love to see how creative people are using my work!
Happy Thursday!

This week’s new music tracks are:

On my Dark / Ominous 2 page:

"MORE SEWER CREEPERS"– Ah, so that’s why the houses in this neighborhood are so cheap.

“UNDERGROUND GOINGS-ON" – Perhaps under a city? Or in a network of creepy caves?

On my Funny 6 page:
"QUIRKY GOBLINS"– (Looping) – Quietly getting up to their goblin-y mischief.

**If you find my work helpful, please consider making a donation to my website. The synthesizers I use to create the music and sounds that I share with everyone are very expensive…so expensive, in fact, that I have to make monthly payments on them…and donations really help me a lot to pay for them. Thanks in advance…and please feel free to share your projects…I love to see how creative people are using my work!
Hey guys,

I’ve got some cool new music ready for everyone. Free to use with attribution:

On my Dark / Ominous 2 page:
MIDNIGHT MIST – What lurks in the mist? Muah hah hah!

On my Sci-Fi 7 page:
CROSSING THE LIGHT YEARS – This might work under the intro to a space-themed game or project.

And on my Technology 2 page:
DIGITAL DAYDREAMS – Maybe one day machine-beings will daydream…I wonder what it will be about.

These are amazing, thank you.
I've only cracked your page and believe I found the right track for one of my vids.
I will surely donate before I download any content.
You're very welcome...and thank you for pledging support...it really helps a lot! :-)
Greetings everyone,

New free music is ready for you here:

On my Fantasy 8 page:
Fantasy music 8 | Soundimage.org

On my Fantasy 9 page:
Fantasy 9 | Soundimage.org

And on my Sci-Fi 8 page:
Sci-Fi 8 | Soundimage.org

100% free to use with attribution.

**If you find my music helpful, please consider making a donation to my website. The synthesizers I use to create the music and sounds that I share with everyone are very expensive…so expensive, in fact, that I have to make monthly payments on them…and donations really help me a lot to pay for them. Thanks in advance…and please feel free to share your projects…I love to see how creative people are using my work!
Hey guys,

I’m a bit under the weather, but I did manage to get a couple of new tracks done:

On my Dark/Ominous 2 page:

MIDNIGHT FOG – (Looping) – What creeps though the fog? This track might go well with my other one, “Midnight Mist.”
Dark / Ominous 2 | Soundimage.org

On my Nature/Science 3 page:

DEEP SKY OBJECTS – They shimmer silently in the night sky like ancient jewels. Most can only be seen with a telescope. The light passing through my lens and into my eye left these objects long before humans walked the Earth. Perspective is humbling.
Nature Science 3 | Soundimage.org

Like all of my music, they are completely free to use with attribution.

Greetings Earthlings!

This week’s new free tracks are:

On my Sci-Fi 8 page: page:

STRANGE LANDS – (Looping) – Perhaps on an alien world?

Sci-Fi 8 | Soundimage.org

On my Fantasy 9 page:

OF OTHER WORLDS - Here’s a dreamy, far away sounding piece that might work under the intro screens of a game…or perhaps something else.

Fantasy 9 | Soundimage.org

QUIRKY MAGIC – (Looping) – Perhaps for casting spells in an RPG?

Fantasy 9 | Soundimage.org

I try very hard to create and upload at least one new free piece of art each day. Feel free to friend me on Facebook to get daily updates in your news feed. My page is here:

Eric Matyas

Finally, if you need some affordable custom work created (music, sound effects, images, etc.,) feel free to email me. My email address is here:

Custom Work | Soundimage.org

Last edited:
Well, I’ve hit the 1900 track mark. It’s a little hard to believe, especially since I started the site with just 100 tracks. Almost every day now someone contacts me and tells me how they’re using my assets. That’s great to hear…I love seeing how you guys are using my work in your projects. Have fun and keep being creative!

That said, this week’s new free music tracks are:

On my Fantasy 9 page:

THE CASTLE MICE – (Looping) – Scurrying around the drafty hallways, up to their usual mischief.
Fantasy 9 | Soundimage.org

SAFARIS ON OTHER WORLDS – (Looping) – What kinds of amazing things will you find?
Fantasy 9 | Soundimage.org

On my Funny 6 page:

BUFFOONS IN COMMAND – (Looping) – This could be fun in a comedic historical game…or maybe something else with incompetent characters.
Funny 6 | Soundimage.org

If you need some affordable custom work created (music, sound effects, images, etc.,) feel free to email me. My email address is here:
Custom Work | Soundimage.org

Greetings, everyone...

This week’s new free music tracks are:

On my Fantasy 9 page:

THE FABLE BEGINS – (Looping) – Maybe under the title screens of an RPG?
Fantasy 9 | Soundimage.org

On my History page:

ANCIENT TIMES – (Looping) – Perhaps for a history-themed game?
History Music | Soundimage.org

And on my Sci-Fi 8 page:

A DETECTIVE IN DYSTOPIA – (Looping) – Hunting down cyber criminals…or maybe something else?
Sci-Fi 8 | Soundimage.org

All free to use with attribution.

Enjoy…and keep being creative!
Greetings fellow creatives,

I’ve been super busy for the past week, but I managed to create some new free music tracks for your projects. You’ll find them here:

On my Fantasy 9 page:

SECRET SPELLS – (Looping) – All alone in the drafty castle…what is that mischievous wizard cooking up?
Fantasy 9 | Soundimage.org

THE LEGEND BEGINS – And so begins the tale.
Fantasy 9 | Soundimage.org

And on my Puzzle Music 4 page:

PUZZLE ISLAND – (Looping) – Here’s a fun little piece that has a quirky, magical feel to it with a hint of mystery as well.
Puzzle Music 4 | Soundimage.org

Hey guys,

If anyone is interested, I was recently asked to do an interview for a really cool website called Exilian. The site helps facilitate all kinds of creative projects. Here’s a link if anyone wants to check it out:

Exilian Articles

I hope my answers are entertaining and (somewhat) intelligent…lol. Please feel free to share!

That said, this week’s new free tracks are:

On my History page:

ANCIENT TIMES – (Looping) – Perhaps for a history-themed project?
History Music | Soundimage.org

On my Sci-Fi 8 page:

ESCAPE FROM CYBERPUNK CITY – This piece might sound cool in a dystopic urban-based project.
Sci-Fi 8 | Soundimage.org

And on my AMB - Urban Ambience page, some really nice large city street ambience:

STREET CORNER_5-30 – Trucks, taxis, horns, people talking, distant brakes squeaking, cyclist passes, etc.

STREET CORNER_5-29 – Scooter idles at corner, traffic passes, brakes squeak, baby heard, air brakes from truck, people talking, trucks pass, distant brakes squeak, etc.

Urban Ambience | Soundimage.org

Enjoy and keep being creative!

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