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Sharing My Music and Sound Effects - Over 2000 Tracks

Here are some brand new tracks to kick off April:

For my drone pilot friends and nature lovers, we have:
"Sun Shower"
on my Nature/Science 2 page.
Nature Science 2 | Soundimage.org

2 humorous tracks on my Funny 4 page:
"The Drunk Pelican Duet"
"Mousing Behind the Cafe" (Looping)
Funny Music 4 | Soundimage.org

On the City/Urban 2 page, we have:
"Cat Burglars" (looping)
city urban 2 | Soundimage.org

And on the Sci-Fi 6 page:
"Cop Show 2175" (looping)
Sci-Fi 6 | Soundimage.org

Enjoy them and have a great week!
Greetings Everyone,

I have a bunch of new free tracks that need good homes in your projects:

For aerial videos we have:
"Circling the Barn"
on my Quiet 2 page
Quiet 2 | Soundimage.org

On the Drama 2 page, we have:
"The Inspector's Epiphany" (looping)
Drama 2 | Soundimage.org

On the Puzzle Music 3 page:
"Puzzling Curiosities" (looping)
Puzzle Music 3 | Soundimage.org

On the Sci-Fi 6 page:
"Machine Chatter Among the Outer Moons" (looping)
Sci-Fi 6 | Soundimage.org

And on the Positive/Upbeat page:
"Town Square" (looping)
"Happy Endings"
Positive Upbeat | Soundimage.org

I try to release at least one new track each day. For daily updates, be sure to follow me here:
Eric Matyas

Have a good week!
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Happy Thursday Everyone,

This week we have brand new sound effects as well as music tracks:

On the SFX - Combat page:
Various Metal Clanks
Maybe useful for swordplay…or even for work in a blacksmith’s shop in an RPG. Feel free to edit as needed.
Sound effects - combat | Soundimage.org

On the Funny 5 page:
"Kitten Combat" (Standard and Looping)
Funny 5 | Soundimage.org

On the Nature/Science 2 page:
"Underwater Coolness" (Looping)
Nature Science 2 | Soundimage.org

And on the Sci-Fi 6 page:
"Cyberpunk Runner" (Looping)
Sci-Fi 6 | Soundimage.org

Have a good weekend!
Happy Thursday Everyone,

This week's new music tracks are:

"Riding Sky Waves" (created specifically for drone videos)
on the Events/Travel 2 page
Events / Travel 2 | Soundimage.org

"Arcade Madness" (Looping)
on the Funny 5 page
Funny 5 | Soundimage.org

"The Bit Builders" (Looping)
on the Chiptunes 2 page
Chiptunes 2 | Soundimage.org

And I've created a bunch of brand new sound effects that might come in handy for home/apartment interiors:

SFX - Household
Sound Effects - Household | Soundimage.org

Happy Last Day of May Everyone,

Finishing out the month, we have:

"Wild West Coast Racing 3" (Looping)
on the Action 3 page
action 3 | Soundimage.org

"Me Cave Man!" (Looping)
"Pint-Sized Vikings" (Looping)
"The Great Paris Cookie Heist" (Standard and Looping)
on the Funny 5 page
Funny 5 | Soundimage.org

And "Terraforming Exoplanets" (Standard and Looping)
on the Sci-Fi 6 page
Sci-Fi 6 | Soundimage.org

See you in June! ;-)
Finally feeling better...woo hoo! Here are this week's new free tracks:

"Caribbean Skies" (intended for aerial videos)
on my Events/Travel 2 page.
Events / Travel 2 | Soundimage.org

"Paper Route" (Looping)
on my Chiptunes 2 page.
Chiptunes 2 | Soundimage.org

"Break In" (Looping)
on my City/Urban 2 page.
city urban 2 | Soundimage.org

"Fishbowl Romance" (Looping)
on my Fantasy 8 page.
Fantasy music 8 | Soundimage.org

and "Stranded in the Asteroid Belt"
on my Sci-Fi 6 page.
Sci-Fi 6 | Soundimage.org

Enjoy and have a good weekend!
Hi Everyone,

To streamline my site a bit, I’ve eliminated the gigantic text block under the header image that showed all the pages on the site. Instead, links to all the pages on the site are on the right side of every page, listed under MUSIC, SOUND FX and IMAGES… (scroll down.) Simply click on the name of any page to navigate to that page. Then scroll down. The links appear at the right side of every page so that you can quickly navigate from any page to any other page on the site.

That said, I have some new free music tracks ready for everyone:

"Cumulonimbus" (for drone videos)
on my Nature/Science 3 page:
Nature Science 3 | Soundimage.org

"Far Away Puzzle Places"
on my Puzzle Music 3 page:
Puzzle Music 3 | Soundimage.org

and "Alley Chase"
on my Sci-Fi 7 page
Sci-Fi 7 | Soundimage.org

Enjoy and have a good weekend!
If anyone would like to receive daily email updates as I create and release new tracks, feel free to email me and I'll add you to my mailing list. :-) (My email address is at the bottom of my homepage.)

That said, here are this week's new free tracks:

"Cyber Teen 2"
on my Sci-Fi 7 page:
Sci-Fi 7 | Soundimage.org

"Strange World" (Looping)
"Fishbowl Acrobatics" (Looping)
on my Funny 5 page:
Funny Music 5 | Soundimage.org

"Light Puzzles 2" (Looping)
on my Puzzle Music 3 page:
Puzzle Music 3 | Soundimage.org

"Dreaming of Fuji" (Looping)
on my Fantasy 8 page
Fantasy music 8 | Soundimage.org

Have a great weekend!

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