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Sites like Droners.io are a race to the bottom.


Well-Known Member
Jul 8, 2018
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I was looking on there yesterday and I see a job that pays $80 for like 30 photos and 10 people have put in bids. It’s crazy that people are fighting over peanuts. I don’t even bother putting in bids on that site. What kind of people are bidding on an $80 job? These pilots are ruining this industry.
I was looking on there yesterday and I see a job that pays $80 for like 30 photos and 10 people have put in bids. It’s crazy that people are fighting over peanuts. I don’t even bother putting in bids on that site. What kind of people are bidding on an $80 job? These pilots are ruining this industry.
Out of the 10 people that bid that job I wonder how many really have their 107 cert.
I fly jobs for drone pilot network and all though the jobs are spotty. I have racked up over $1600 for about 4 hours worth of work. I am not complaining. Also, in this pilot network, you have to supply proof of your Part 107 or you don't get jobs...
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First. You have to show proof of 107 and in some cases proof of insurance. Second you bid what you want. My shoot rate for one location is $250. I tell the client you get what you pay for. $80 buck pics look like $80 buck pics and $250 pics look like $250 pics. I then tell which do you think are going to represent the property better? I’d say I get 1 of 10 I bid on, but I get my rate.
Droners.io is the worst of them all. One of the usual scalpers post a job for 12-15 videos for $100. Looking to establish a pilot relationship. I wonder if a kiss and a cigarette comes with it
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DroneBase isn’t much better. I’m pretty inexpensive but $40 for a video? Nope. It’s for hobbyists with a 107.
Unfortunately you can find "bottom feeders" in just about any profession (using the term loosely). I know when I was in the hotshot trucking business I couldn't believe how cheap some of the people would offer their services for.

As Ben Franklin said “The bitterness of poor quality remains long after the sweetness of low price is forgotten.”
Unfortunately you can find "bottom feeders" in just about any profession (using the term loosely). I know when I was in the hotshot trucking business I couldn't believe how cheap some of the people would offer their services for.

As Ben Franklin said “The bitterness of poor quality remains long after the sweetness of low price is forgotten.”
I hate to say it, but I gotta be honest, I feel like a lot of retired people will do drone work for peanuts because they want something to do. I’m not saying this is every retired person, but I have a feeling a lot of these people bidding these ridiculously low prices for drone jobs are retired and just looking for something to do, not really caring about how much they’re getting paid. Just my opinion, I could be wrong.
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I hate to say it, but I gotta be honest, I feel like a lot of retired people will do drone work for peanuts because they want something to do. I’m not saying this is every retired person, but I have a feeling a lot of these people bidding these ridiculously low prices for drone jobs are retired and just looking for something to do, not really caring about how much they’re getting paid. Just my opinion, I could be wrong.
I agree with you on that - not only does it give them something to do and get out of their wife's hair it gives them a feeling of accomplishment - beats sitting in a rocking chair
I hate to say it, but I gotta be honest, I feel like a lot of retired people will do drone work for peanuts because they want something to do. I’m not saying this is every retired person, but I have a feeling a lot of these people bidding these ridiculously low prices for drone jobs are retired and just looking for something to do, not really caring about how much they’re getting paid. Just my opinion, I could be wrong.

I'm one of those semi retired people, but I just don't like the taste of peanuts, now almonds are a different story. You are correct, some baby boomers are tired of traveling, caught all the fish they will ever eat, played enough gold to wear their golf cart out, and will do almost anything to escape the house with the wife's blessing.

I was doing home and construction inspections and bought a drone (Phantom 4) for roof inspections, I"m getting too old to climb on them. Also dabbled in real estate photography but that is a waste of time. What I will not do is give my time away, if I can't make a few hundred dollars a day, I'll stay home, or do something else. Maybe at first I did work too cheap, but not so cheap that I wasn't making a decent profit. What this last two years has taught me is the money is in construction, at least for me, and it pays very well.

Every profession or job has a learning curve, and apprenticeship if you will, just maybe some of the folks working cheap are doing their apprenticeship, gathering the experience and knowledge to become successful, or at least profitable. Yes that will hurt those who are competing, but quality of work, and experience will win out eventually.
From what I’m seeing is that it’s the 35 yo living in there parents basement that’s bidding on these crap jobs
Hmm, how do you know who is bidding on these jobs? I was just making an assumption about the retired folk, I could easily be wrong. I have no way of knowing who is actually bidding on these.
I signed up with that one when it first came out, never got anything from it.
I found your listing:

From a marketing standpoint, it could use a bit more oomph. Your profile description is just 8 words and not very compelling. You don't explain why people should choose your business over someone else. Also, you don't have a demo reel. Remember that you have to sell yourself. Don't just be a warm body - make it clear why people should hire you!
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I found your listing:

From a marketing standpoint, it could use a bit more oomph. Your profile description is just 8 words and not very compelling. You don't explain why people should choose your business over someone else. Also, you don't have a demo reel. Remember that you have to sell yourself. Don't just be a warm body - make it clear why people should hire you!
Thanks, I'll have to work on it then
I did a bit more detective work for you. I did a Google search for "drone pilot ft. myers fl" and a DPC listing did show up on the first page, but it wasn't yours. This means that Google picked one of your competitors based on the listing. Adding a good profile will really help.


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