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So I wasted my morning....

Probably because it is their product and they are trying to cover their own. It is one of their "features" and while they don't go into great detail, they don't hide it either. Let the buyer beware. Do your homework and if not, you have no-one to blame but yourself.

The think the OP's issue is he was aware, did what he needed to do to get the authorization but still couldn't fly...

"DJI Matrice 210 RTK V2, 3 hour waiver in place, requested and received clearance (for the first time) on DJI's website, map wouldn't update and I couldn't take off..."

Did the map not update due to an issue with the DJI server, a problem with the drone or a bad connection? We don't know the answer to that question. If it was a problem with the DJI server or something other than operator error with the drone should DJI share some of the liability can cost to the OP for the loss?

But the underlaying issue IMHO is DJI having the authority to control who operates in U.S. airspace. Beyond that is rejecting the idea that they have any responsibility in how I use the drone. I purchase the drone and take ownership. Other than some type of product failure I take the responsibility for how the drone is used.
But the underlaying issue IMHO is DJI having the authority to control who operates in U.S. airspace. Beyond that is rejecting the idea that they have any responsibility in how I use the drone. I purchase the drone and take ownership. Other than some type of product failure I take the responsibility for how the drone is used.

DJI does not have control of who operates in US airspace. DJI has control of who operates their equipment. There is a difference. Don't buy a DJI product and this is a moot point. You can be outraged, po'd, upset or up in arms all you want but no-one held a gun to your head and forced you to buy a DJI product. That is a decision you made yourself and you alone are to blame for that decision.
If it is a problem, then do like many of us have done and buy another product that is not manufactured by DJI. Or at least learn to work around the limitations.
......requested and received clearance (for the first time) on DJI's website,.......

There’s a problem with his statement you’re quoting, because he later said:

.......Also, this was in a restricted zone.....

‘You can’t unlock a Red Zone on the website. You have to contact DJI directly and provide documentation that shows you have the proper permission to fly a restricted zone, then they will issue the unlock.
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All good points. I get that it's clearly marked and I bought it knowing it had these issues. I probably would buy it again as there is no one with an rtk drone like this machine, that isn't fixed wing, for the price it sells at. When that elusive drone comes out, I will buy it when this drones life is over. I am lucky to also live in a good area where just one airport can give me issues. I was mostly venting about losing my waiver period, it is very frustrating to get everything lined up and have a 3 hour window on a certain day to fly. I was not allowed by the FAA to apply for a longer time frame. Logistics is a big part of this business, many things have to line up to get a good product.
There’s a problem with his statement you’re quoting, because he later said:

‘You can’t unlock a Red Zone on the website. You have to contact DJI directly and provide documentation that shows you have the proper permission to fly a restricted zone, then they will issue the unlock.

It doesn't matter what type of restricted area he was in, he got the necessary clearance from the FAA and somewhere along the line an issue with DJI and/or their app prevented him from flying.
All good points. I get that it's clearly marked and I bought it knowing it had these issues. I probably would buy it again as there is no one with an rtk drone like this machine, that isn't fixed wing, for the price it sells at. When that elusive drone comes out, I will buy it when this drones life is over. I am lucky to also live in a good area where just one airport can give me issues. I was mostly venting about losing my waiver period, it is very frustrating to get everything lined up and have a 3 hour window on a certain day to fly. I was not allowed by the FAA to apply for a longer time frame. Logistics is a big part of this business, many things have to line up to get a good product.

It's all well and good that you were aware that there could be issues with DJI and/or their app. My issue, and I think in part your issue, is the larger issue of DJI having anything to say about when and where a UAS pilot, especially a commercial pilot, can fly in U.S. airspace. I think they can get away with it in part because there aren't a lot of options out so they have a position of power to say live with the restrictions or don't fly. On the lower end you have some options (Anafi, EVO, Skydio, etc.). I have an Anafi so if there is any question mark in my mind that I might have any issue with the Mavic the Anafi is available to fly.
All good points. I get that it's clearly marked and I bought it knowing it had these issues. I probably would buy it again as there is no one with an rtk drone like this machine, that isn't fixed wing, for the price it sells at. When that elusive drone comes out, I will buy it when this drones life is over. I am lucky to also live in a good area where just one airport can give me issues. I was mostly venting about losing my waiver period, it is very frustrating to get everything lined up and have a 3 hour window on a certain day to fly. I was not allowed by the FAA to apply for a longer time frame. Logistics is a big part of this business, many things have to line up to get a good product.

Its even more frustrating to have a dog and pony show lined up for our VP of Facilities and the UAS won't take off. I feel your pain. Only happened once. But that started the search for a replacement for our Inspire. Not everyone has the budget to make a switch; I realize that too. I sincerely hope you don't have to go through the same again. Preflight planning is the way to get around it.

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