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Unexpected copyright issue

The cruise line may have a case but a little homework will help.
Read post #59.They have given in and offered significantly more to acquire my images.
No mention of any copyright issues because I was able to point out to them that they didn't have a case at all.
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In my experience, some businesses will take a very heavy-handed interpretation of the law when it comes to clearing footage/photos and they will use their weight to scare people into doing things they wouldn't normally. I've even been told I couldn't take any images of a building until it was cleared (Ace Hotel in DTLA, you know who you are!).

I sell footage all the time that is not cleared with the understanding that the buyer needs to clear it. It is up to them. I use that same material for unpaid self-promotion (mostly videos, on my website, etc.). Perfectly normal mode of operation. For Hollywood, at least. But, if you're using it to make a direct profit (e.g. selling prints, paid advertising, etc.). then you likely need to clear it yourself.

The one good thing about large corporates is they will sometimes pay way more than anyone else might. So when it comes to pricing, set your numbers high, and give them just enough to feel like they got a deal but that's it.

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