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Volunteering for the local FD = Commercial use?


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DSAR Member
May 31, 2019
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Corcoran, Minnesota (Minneapolis area)
I am at the end of my MN commercial permit and have not really made any money flying as a commercial venture. However, I have been accepted to the local fire department as an affiliated volunteer during this last year. I have flown a couple controlled burns, and a large structure fire where the footage from my drone was very instructional as a part of the debrief of the event.
My questions is - would flying as a volunteer with the department would be deemed commercial use? Between the insurance (MN requires full policy and "pay as you go" is specifically disallowed) and other fees it is several hundred dollars to keep the "commercial" permitting alive.
Thank you for your insights in advance.
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I would check in with MnDOT on this to see if you can get a waiver for this purpose.

Do I need a Minnesota Commercial Operations License?
Although all drones used by a business generally need to be registered, not all businesses using drones need a Commercial Operations License. The determination is made on a case-by-case basis by considering whether the flight outputs are provided to a third-party.

If you are volunteering, perhaps you will qualify, in this case, "because the drone is being used in business for a solely internal process." (their words)

Good luck!
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Additional question. Are you flying under a COA that they have? I have a local Fire department asking me to join their group, but the COA specifically says I have to be sworn in on that Dept. They have not figured any way to address that. I can fly as Part 107 at they request under DSAR.Info, but they want it to be under they COA
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Additional question. Are you flying under a COA that they have? I have a local Fire department asking me to join their group, but the COA specifically says I have to be sworn in on that Dept. They have not figured any way to address that. I can fly as Part 107 at they request under DSAR.Info, but they want it to be under they COA

Public Use COA is a great idea but they need to be written with some "flexibility" in them for exactly times like this.
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I would check in with MnDOT on this to see if you can get a waiver for this purpose.

Do I need a Minnesota Commercial Operations License?
Although all drones used by a business generally need to be registered, not all businesses using drones need a Commercial Operations License. The determination is made on a case-by-case basis by considering whether the flight outputs are provided to a third-party.

If you are volunteering, perhaps you will qualify, in this case, "because the drone is being used in business for a solely internal process." (their words)

Good luck!
Wait...Aren't we talking about two different things here, a state operational license v. FAA requirements? What would the state have to do with the FAA regs? I mean, you may need some sort of a license or permit to launch in certain areas but once airborne flight operations fall under the FAA rules. Am I mistaken or missing something?
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Yeah, that was my take on it. Nothing to do with FAA, just the concern over what MN deems a commercial operation and their regulations, requirements and permitting process. Specifically, in this case, the cost to maintain the permit.

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