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What is safe distance from people.

Luis - I was being technical in my post to make a point (14 inches x 14 inches; the dimensions of a P4P). Just trying to clarify what "over" is, since the FAA uses that term in the regs. I realize it's probably not that black & white and good judgment should always prevail, but I would like to see a little more definition on the term in the regs.
No Kristina, you are trying to find out where that envelop is, just be careful. I wish you the best of luck. I agree, big brother needs to be a little more decisive with the regs, but they are like most government agencies, they move like molasses in the winter.
Luis - I was being technical in my post to make a point (14 inches x 14 inches; the dimensions of a P4P). Just trying to clarify what "over" is, since the FAA uses that term in the regs. I realize it's probably not that black & white and good judgment should always prevail, but I would like to see a little more definition on the term in the regs.

The FAA is very well known (and for decades now) to not be specific. This allows us, as AVIATORS to apply common sense and use our Risk Mitigation techniques to make the flight as SAFE as we possibly can at all costs.

As was stated above, if there is an incident and a person(s) on the ground are impacted then you, as an Aviator failed the test and should be found negligent. It's our responsibility to operate well outside of the grey area as that's the best place to find a problem waiting to happen.
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