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What is the best Drone for Surveying, Mapping & Photography?

Sky Queen

Jan 18, 2018
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Los Angeles, CA
Hi there, I am looking into buying a new drone. My Phantom 4 pro plus has limitations in that it is not compatible with 3rd party apps. I will be using the new drone for surveying and mapping as well as photography. Any suggestions from those who have been using their drone with 3rd party apps for surveying and mapping; and the pros and cons would be appreciated.
Hi there, I am looking into buying a new drone. My Phantom 4 pro plus has limitations in that it is not compatible with 3rd party apps. I will be using the new drone for surveying and mapping as well as photography. Any suggestions from those who have been using their drone with 3rd party apps for surveying and mapping; and the pros and cons would be appreciated.
The regular Phantom 4 pro is the most versatile general purpose drone.
It's great for photography, mapping, reliable affordable and portable.
It runs 3rd party apps perfectly.
If you just get a P4 pro controller and tablet, you're already there.
You could keep or sell your existing controller.
The regular Phantom 4 pro is the most versatile general purpose drone...

I was thinking of that too as I am very happy with my phantom...It is just the built in screen that limits me. I thought to get other professional's feedback too before I invest in something else. So thanks for the feedback.
I'm flying the Inspire 2, using Drone Deploy for mapping, and Litchi for just about everything else. I'm doing construction progression at UC Merced, CA. I map 145 acre site once a month and do panos, elevations, and progressions twice a week at this site. I can post some pictures if you like.
@Sky Queen I believe your money would be best spent at this time purchasing a regular P4P remote controller which will allow you to run iOS and Android tablets as you choose. The P4P is perfectly capable of many applications for RGB imaging for surveying and mapping.

Don't hesitate to reach out if our team can be of any further assistance to you in LA. Safe flying!
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@Sky Queen I agree with the others above me in saying to get a regular controller. We've been very happy with our P4P and we're planning to add a 2nd one to our fleet with the Loki PPK add-on, which will make this even more of a true survey instrument.
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I'm flying the Inspire 2, using Drone Deploy for mapping, and Litchi for just about everything else. I'm doing construction progression at UC Merced, CA. I map 145 acre site once a month and do panos, elevations, and progressions twice a week at this site. I can post some pictures if you like.

That's awesome! Thank you. Do you know of any course (online preferably) that covers the basics of surveying and mapping with Drone Deploy? Or is the software user friendly enough to start working when you download it?
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@Sky Queen I believe your money would be best spent at this time purchasing a regular P4P remote controller which will allow you to run iOS and Android tablets as you choose. The P4P is perfectly capable of many applications for RGB imaging for surveying and mapping.

Don't hesitate to reach out if our team can be of any further assistance to you in LA. Safe flying!
Thank you...I will check you guys out.
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That's awesome! Thank you. Do you know of any course (online preferably) that covers the basics of surveying and mapping with Drone Deploy? Or is the software user friendly enough to start working when you download it?

Drone Deploy is very easy to use so I don't see a need for special instructions, it is completely autonomous and sets the mapping pattern for you. If you have any questions on setting it up you are welcome to PM me and I'll be happy to walk you through it.
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I also have a P4P and it is a great bird. The company I work for supplies the Inspire 2 and I will say the camera on the Inspire is awesome, however as stated the P4P is less expensive and will do a fine job. I have found on windy days the Inspire is more stable than the P4P. The other issue is batteries, the Inspire uses two batteries so if you should have a battery failure you can still get back to home.
Budget is normally a factor, and return on investment is another.

Best of luck.
Drone Deploy is very easy to use so I don't see a need for special instructions, it is completely autonomous and sets the mapping pattern for you. If you have any questions on setting it up you are welcome to PM me and I'll be happy to walk you through it.

Thank you so much. I really appreciate that. Will keep in touch!
The regular Phantom 4 pro is the most versatile general purpose drone.
It's great for photography, mapping, reliable affordable and portable.
It runs 3rd party apps perfectly.
If you just get a P4 pro controller and tablet, you're already there.
You could keep or sell your existing controller.
Agree, except surveying, in the strictest definition of "surveying."
The regular Phantom 4 pro is the most versatile general purpose drone.
It's great for photography, mapping, reliable affordable and portable.
It runs 3rd party apps perfectly.
If you just get a P4 pro controller and tablet, you're already there.
You could keep or sell your existing controller.
I think as far as versatility, ease of use, available apps, battery life and image quality versus camera size, the Phantom 4 Pro is hard to beat.
Hi there, I am looking into buying a new drone. My Phantom 4 pro plus has limitations in that it is not compatible with 3rd party apps. I will be using the new drone for surveying and mapping as well as photography. Any suggestions from those who have been using their drone with 3rd party apps for surveying and mapping; and the pros and cons would be appreciated.
At this time P4P is perfect for what your needs are. Just get regular controller with mobile device and you’re set! I fly Inspire 2 and P4P for my business and really love having both of them.
That's awesome! Thank you. Do you know of any course (online preferably) that covers the basics of surveying and mapping with Drone Deploy? Or is the software user friendly enough to start working when you download it?
Try Maps Made Easy. Very simple to use for geomapping. Drone Deploy is excellent but expensive unless you have lots of mapping jobs per month. Keep in mind geomapping and survey-grade imaging are two very different things. I've done geomaps for construction customers who only wanted a periodic visual progress report, not a "survey." Licensed surveyors do that. Aerial surveys require centimeter level precision/RTK and knowledge of photogrammetry; beyond the capabilities of most consumer level drones/pilots.

Surveying is a science that requires training and experience and a license (in most states) unless you are working under the license of a surveyor as an employee.
Agree. P4P new controller. When the P4P RTK version hits the streets soon it will sell its socks off mostly because so many people are already using the P4P for GIS alongside a surveyor.

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