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Where is Dronebase?!

Trying to bump the original topic. I am new to Drone Base, and only recently have signed up. After the process was complete it took me basically back to the sign up page. When I click into the Client Mission window I see nothing. Should there not be a map? I have emailed them with only vague responses like they will inform me when there is something around my are. I live in the Tampa Bay Are so I would feel as if there was at least something in the area, or even farther. I set my travel limit to 10000 so there would presumably be something within that(though this was just to test) if anyone has any info, I would appreciate it.
No, you shouldn't see a map. There used to be one, but they made some slight changes to their model recently so all those 'spec' missions that you could select from a map of your area are gone....there are apparently no 'pano' missions either. Instead, their just handing out regular RE missions and insurance inspections. Just register, wait and create an alert for the mission emails that come from them. If there are any other DB pilots in your area, missions will be accepted quickly...sometimes within a minute or two, so keep your head on a swivel. I find most missions come down late Thursday of Friday. BTW, DB is located in California...hope this helps.
I signed up with Drone Base,
Put their app on my phone, tried logging in and while I am looking at my profile on my desktop and the email on my profile the app on my phone says my email address does not exist in their system, so I tried creating account on the app and it said sorry this email already exists. So I messaged Drone Base about this issue with my email address problem and they send me a password reset link, which did not help and was not even related to the issue of them not accepting my email, not my password.

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