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Zero Grid Authorization Request Question


Well-Known Member
DSAR Member
Jan 5, 2018
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Southeastern Massachusetts
Haven't done a zero grid in 6 months. In the past I submit request and risk mitigation plan via DroneZone. Tried that today and it won't take. When I put in the Airport code, it keep popping up saying to use LAANC. Did something change. Do we do zero grid requests on 3rd party app like Aloft? The other weird thing is I went to Aloft, yes it is a zero grid but looks like it will auto approve for up to 400ft even when the location is in a zero grid. weird. What am I missing
Haven't done a zero grid in 6 months. In the past I submit request and risk mitigation plan via DroneZone. Tried that today and it won't take. When I put in the Airport code, it keep popping up saying to use LAANC. Did something change. Do we do zero grid requests on 3rd party app like Aloft? The other weird thing is I went to Aloft, yes it is a zero grid but looks like it will auto approve for up to 400ft even when the location is in a zero grid. weird. What am I missing
Good Evening John . From my take nothing has change . On DroneZone you need to advise that LAANC is not available -at the airport for Zero Grid . I am not too sure if you can get an approval on Aloft for that Grid . I just completed a zero Grid flight at Port Evergaldes FL
You can also call the help desk at Drone Zone. They are extremely helpfully.

How’s the M3T coming along .
Figured out the issue. End user error LOL. In the manual authorization request, I was putting in a different start and end date. Need approval for 30 days to inspect under favorable conditions. You can only request for one day if the location is LAANC enabled. It says it RIGHT UNDER where I was typing. Once I put in the same day and defined in the Mission outline and risk mitigation plan that I am requesting for 30 day it went in.
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Figured out the issue. End user error LOL. In the manual authorization request, I was putting in a different start and end date. Need approval for 30 days to inspect under favorable conditions. You can only request for one day if the location is LAANC enabled. It says it RIGHT UNDER where I was typing. Once I put in the same day and defined in the Mission outline and risk mitigation plan that I am requesting for 30 day it went in.
Happy for you . Keep warm
When I have to do one 30 days out, I have to put in a bunch of them for following days, since weather doesn't always cooperate on the day you ask for the approval for.
When I have to do one 30 days out, I have to put in a bunch of them for following days, since weather doesn't always cooperate on the day you ask for the approval for.
I submitted one for one day three weeks from now. In the details and risk mitigate plan I submitted I asked for 30 day authorization to fly when weather was favorable. DroneZone and local FSDO UAV rep said to do it that way. time will tell.
They used to give me a date range when asked. For the last few years, I've only been able to get them for one day. That may just be local policy, but I don't think so. I usually file at least three and in one case, five for one job (looking at the long-range weather reports). I still get a range for non-LAANC covered airports though and most times, they are renewable. For some of those though, I have to give them 3 days notice after the authorization, which also complicates things with weather.
I once submitted 3 separate requests for single consecutive days (for a best weather opportunity) and got back a single authorization for the 3 days. Another time, I got 3 separate authorizations. So the process seems inconsistent.

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