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hi Luv!

Being told I have to contact an administrator to correct a birth date. Any chance you can find time to give me 10 years back? :) June 30, 1959 is what it should read.


Hey Big Al, hows it going? Just saw the ad for this site over on PhantomPilots so I signed up. Did you help start up the site?
Im planning to take my part 107 this friday or weekend, Ive procrastinated too long.
Good evening Geo. I did not "start" this site but I do work here for those who did. The Admin team created this one as well as Phantom, Mavic, Inspire etc.

Good luck on your test and SAFE Flights.
Hi Paul, thought I better take this offline. David White did a flight test on one of his fixed wings the day I did my flight test at Nutts Corner a few years back. I'm glad in a way I didn't get the Mourne job. I used to do climbing and mountaineering but age has caught up with me! I prefer if I can drive my L200 as close as I can!!
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You and me both mate. I did a job with the Swansea Sea Cadets last year ...dragged a load of gear around the Mournes for two days.. could hardly walk by the time we finished lol
Hi, from New Jersey Shore, just getting my feet wet, figuring thing out, hope this site will direct me and learn me what I need to know

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