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Another 107.39 waiver granted

Hi Luis,

Maybe you or someone else here can help explain the waiver process to me since I am pretty new at flying. When someone is granted a waiver for something, does that mean that there is now a precedent and any drone operator can operate under the stipulation of this waiver or does it just mean that you are more likely to be approved for your own waiver since someone else already has been approved by the FAA in a specific area? Any help clarifying would be much appreciated!

the million dollar question, Nick, it depends. I don't think precedent applies but I think you are more likely to be approved for your own waiver since someone else already has been approved by the FAA (maybe), hard to tell. You must have a waiver on hand issued to you anytime you are operating in waiver conditions (i.e., night, controlled airspace, etc.) The process requires you to demonstrate, in your application, why it will be a safe operation and how you will mitigate risk factors.
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Hi Luis,

Maybe you or someone else here can help explain the waiver process to me since I am pretty new at flying. When someone is granted a waiver for something, does that mean that there is now a precedent and any drone operator can operate under the stipulation of this waiver or does it just mean that you are more likely to be approved for your own waiver since someone else already has been approved by the FAA in a specific area? Any help clarifying would be much appreciated!


Nick, Waivers are on a case by case basis so where one might be approved with the right paperwork, ten more may be denied. Daylight waivers are more likely to be approved currently over say, flight over people. They seem to be the most popular until the regs change. That does not mean that a waiver for flight over people would not be approved provided you meet all of the criteria that the FAA requires of you under the right circumstances.
Just ensure that what you are asking for could not be covered under an authorization which is extremely easy to obtain before you go down that rabbit hole.
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