Howdy. Been MIA for a bit. As a public safety 107, my biggest issue is getting leaders to share what we’re doing with drones to the public. More positive press to the public. We do all we can to ‘hide’ the use, except to tell everyone ‘We got a drone’.
I’ve had a video shared to FB and it was a roadside fire. Within an hour it had over a thousand views and a bunch of shares.
One of the biggest faults we have seen with creating a Public Safety UAS program is NOT letting the PUBLIC know ahead of time what we are doing. Get the Public Notification Campaign started before the Department buys the first piece of equipment. Get out in front of it and let everyone know WHAT the intentions are and HOW the "equipment" will be used. Let them know it's a piece of equipment to save LIVES, save TIME, and save TAX PAYER $$. Control the Media Blitz from the get go or it can control the program. If John Q. Public hears about the program after-the-fact they will always assume it was a slight of hand and not trust the use.
A strong Media Campaign should be the FIRST thing every department does for a UAS program. Keep in mind that if enough "citizens" complain the governing boards can (And probably will) dismantle the UAS program due to public out-cry. It's happened several times across our great country.