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I took friend out flying last night for his first drone experience. He told me his daughter who is the Manager of a very busy Ice Cream shop here in town got a call last weekend from a man that said he was sending a drone to pickup some ice cream. He gave her his a credit card and stayed on the phone while some of the employees went outside to watch the drone land on the from patio where the employees put the bag in a basket and the drone flew away.
I explained all the safety concerns that come to mind never mind all the broken regulations. Once he saw the props on the drone spinning and starting thinking about all the kids that just came from a baseball game across the street, he agreed that that that could have ended very badly. I suggested that if that person called again, that his daughter should contact the authorities immediately. Hoping he will send me some pics he said one of the employees took.
And the only company I have seen that might actually be operating now is Flytrex - Drone Delivery. They have a very unique deliver system, but still wonder, the demo is probably using an M600. Don't see it being cost effective Vs the cost of the drone and battery necessary to fly all day. Also, I don't see a camera payload, how does that rPIC seen the drop zone??

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