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Do you have a facebook page for your business?


Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2018
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I don't like facebook that much and there was much about it I didn't understand and didn't want to bother to figure out, but maybe I should rethink it.

We demolished our old church and are building a new one, and I have been documenting the process via drone photography. Our pastor has been uploading my photos to the church facebook page and they have been well received but by relatively few. Just three or four "likes" per photo. However, yesterday I took a short video moving across the erected steel-work, and it looked very cool, in spite of the fact that some of my camera movements could have been smoother. The video was posted late last night and by 2:00 PM today it's been viewed almost 300 times and has about five times the amount of "likes" as my still photos and I expect there will be many more views and likes to come.

The point is that people are looking at my video, and the question is whether that kind of interest can be multiplied and duplicated for business prospects.

Anyone having any success with facebook?

One thing I'm concerned about is in potentially putting customers and prospects in contact with each other, since I might give a special deal to one and not to another. Also, is it possible to screen comments before they are posted?
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We have a business FB page and we actually get clients from FB. Occasionally we will "Boost" a post when it's performing well and thus far every BOOST have gained new clients.

Special deal? That's a very dangerous game to play because people do talk.

You'll have full control over your business page. You can delete any post you need to.
We have a business FB page and we actually get clients from FB. Occasionally we will "Boost" a post when it's performing well and thus far every BOOST have gained new clients.

Special deal? That's a very dangerous game to play because people do talk.

You'll have full control over your business page. You can delete any post you need to.
Yes we also boost from time to time
Yes I plan to use FB advertising. I can drill down to the exact customers I want and will only pay when they click through to my site. I have used it in the past with success.
I have one, but am not really promoting it yet.
Also have a youtube channel and a conventional website
All are ready to roll when I transition into this full time
My daughter uses it for her wedding photography business and it is high,y successful. She gets many referrals from it. Personally I have my reservations about it though. As a business tool it has to be worth a try.
My daughter uses it for her wedding photography business and it is high,y successful. She gets many referrals from it. Personally I have my reservations about it though. As a business tool it has to be worth a try.

I was also skeptical! I'm more interested in how we spend our $$$$ and ROI on those $$$$.
Social media was kinda new and an eye opener for me to understand.
Does it work 100% time, No!
Lake any marketing, you constantly have to get in front of your audience using different methods, the younger folks use social media like we used to use the phone book! yes we still advertise in local community papers, since there are those folks that use paper for their references.
sort of a funny story, My dog has a facebook page.
We did it so we did not drive people crazy with puppy photos when he was young.
Now he has more followers and activity than I do.
We get those promote these post adds. And we have spent a few bucks on them
WOW you do get some exposure for not a lot of cash
Mmmm I find it difficult to promote media content that is engaging with my audience. Only the "cool" jobs seem to get interaction and they can be every 1 in 10. But I guess the ones side is once it's up and running is very low maintenance unlike running an Instagram account.
I agree with you, Facebook is something I was/am reluctant to get involved in on a personal level, but for business I'm finding it a really interesting marketing tool. As a few have mentioned above it's not that expensive and you get a lot of bang for your bucks!
Facebook has been instrumental in getting Real Estate clients for me. I post my own work on their for my clients, but also when they post their listings with my photos and video on their pages, I share with my audiences and I have actually connected severals realtors who had properties looking for one that I shared or posted. So, my clients were happy and I was happy because they end up singing your praises.

Aerial Photography is a digital medium and as such to build business you really need to put via digital media, including social.

I only really push posts when I think I am going to be lightening up with work, but when I am flush with jobs, I pull back. It effectively become a water spigot for me in the marketing of my services and obtaining work. Effectively, top of mind!

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If anyone needs thoughts or help on getting this rolling reach out or post here. I'm happy to share my techniques with you.
I have a Facebook page, but don’t actively work on it. I will post from time to time, but I haven’t got a single lead from it in the one a half years I’ve been in business. Personally a well built website will bring in much more business than FB.
Now Instagram I can speak a little more highly about. It’s easy and quick to post, and it’s much easier to drive people to your photo with the use of their elaborate hashtag system.
In reality it comes down to how you personally use it and the effort you put into it. It’s different for everyone.
A Facebook page can be a great business tool, IF you use it properly. My suggestion would be to never mix personal posts with business posts. If it is for your drone business, keep it strictly to that. Make posts that will interest people. Make them want to follow you. Your goal is to keep your or your company's face in front of them so that they'll remember you when the need arises.

Another thing about Facebook pages. You have to drive traffic there. If you work it passively it probably won't do much for you.
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I absolutely hate Facebook, and if I didn't have a photography business, I probably wouldn't even bother with having a Facebook account. But, the fact is ... your target demographic most likely has Facebook, so that's where you need to be. All the cool kids are using Snapchat and Instagram. But, are they the ones hiring you for commercial work?

You've got to be on the internet ... and in front of the people who will hire you.
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Facebook seems to be the one practical element I have not tired, yet. Never had a Facebook account, and hearing you guys talk about it and it’s importantance; makes me feel like I’m missing out, but for whatever reason, I just can’t bring myself to open an account. Maybe it’s time....
Yes, I do use Facebook for my photography business. It has led to many more sales and new clients than I ever would have made without it! I am in a very rural area however, and I believe the lower population density limits my reach through traditional marketing avenues. I have never used the "boost this post" service, but am now curious to try it, based on comments here!
A problem I believe I have with my Facebook page for my business is that it is a sub-page to my personal Facebook page. I probably need to create a separate page for the business, but worry that I would lose followers if I change. Anybody here have any advice on this?
I also use Instagram, though I am admittedly not very effective in my use of that platform. I need to learn more about how to utilize it.

Thanks for sharing that KM. I am very new to facebook, so others may correct me if I'm wrong, but I believe that the way you are set up as your business page being a sub-page is normal and the only way it can be done.

Anyway, are you getting business directly from facebook or is it leading to a website first?

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