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Emergency Management - Public COA Pilot

Eric Gildersleeve

New Member
Jan 15, 2018
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While I am not your traditional commercial pilot working to earn a profit, I do consider myself to be a professional pilot. I am an Emergency Manager and fly two aircraft at this time an I1Prov2 and an MP.

We are currently flying public safety missions, fire scene evidence collection, aerial mapping, search and rescue, and post disaster missions. We do all of this currently under three Public Certifcates of Authorizarion issued by the FAA.

One of our COAs is your standard Blanket Class G with night operations. Our first we will let expire, it is a jurisdictional Class A, B, C, and G airspace up to 400 feet and did not include any waivers. Our third which is the one I am most proud of is a jurisdictional with the same classes as the other but also includes E and night operation. I can fly up to 500 AGL under this COA county wide and up to 2000 AGL around one radio tower which is located to the NW of our county.

I am the primary PIC but we have four others that like to run camera. They are also my VO.

If anyone else is interested in helping develop their COA for their agency I am willing to assist.

Denton County, TX
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Hi Eric
I assume you must have developed a series of operational guidelines, which these documents could be called several names as you have refined them.

I am at a point where I am wanting to get started in trying to define guideline documentation during emergency incidents. I am a volunteer member of our local fire department and will operate under their jurisdiction authorization, but we have no documentation other than what is define by Canadian UAS laws.

If your documentation is sharable, I would love to review the documents you have defining how missions will be flown during various types of emergencies. Please let me know if you have documentation and if you can share these. Perhaps there is a website where they might be available or whether you prefer an email address.

Victoria, British Columbia
[email protected]
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Hello and welcome to the forum. We are glad to have you on board. I'm confident you'll find lots of helpful and enlightening information throughout this forum.


While I am not your traditional commercial pilot working to earn a profit, I do consider myself to be a professional pilot. I am an Emergency Manager and fly two aircraft at this time an I1Prov2 and an MP.

We are currently flying public safety missions, fire scene evidence collection, aerial mapping, search and rescue, and post disaster missions. We do all of this currently under three Public Certifcates of Authorizarion issued by the FAA.

One of our COAs is your standard Blanket Class G with night operations. Our first we will let expire, it is a jurisdictional Class A, B, C, and G airspace up to 400 feet and did not include any waivers. Our third which is the one I am most proud of is a jurisdictional with the same classes as the other but also includes E and night operation. I can fly up to 500 AGL under this COA county wide and up to 2000 AGL around one radio tower which is located to the NW of our county.

I am the primary PIC but we have four others that like to run camera. They are also my VO.

If anyone else is interested in helping develop their COA for their agency I am willing to assist.

Denton County, TX


Mind if. Ask what software and platform you use for your aerial mapping.

Was looking to add this to the portfolio, but it seems to be a little cost prohibitive at the moment.
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