Hi All,
Been reading this thread and find it very interesting how the FAA certifies Drone/ UAV pilots and administers the Airspace compared to say Australia [where I am living] and New Zealand [where I am from].
CASA who administers all Aviation Airspace and that includes UAV's has a pretty good system that I think some of you have mentioned.
1. [NEW] Sub 2kg [4.40925 lbs] Class - you can fly both as a Hobby or Commercial. To fly commercially you must notify CASA - 5 days before your first flight and once confirmed can fly for 24 months.
- You will NOT be able to obtain Insurance - you will be asked for your RePL or ReOC Certificates to prove you are certified to obtain Insurance.
- You can NOT fly at night
- You can NOT fly a UAV weighing more than 2kg's - total take off weight [Tello, Mavic Pro]
- You MUST adhere to all CASA Requirements regarding use of your UAV - do not fly more than 400ft AGL [not like you guys have, allowing 400ft above a structure]; with in 30m of a building, within 30m of people, flying over people, must fly VLOS.
2. Remote Pilots Licence [RePL] - Costs around the $2970 AUD for a 5 day full time course, you will also obtain your Aeronautical Radio Operators Certificate [AROC], this course is made up of theory and practical sessions, you must complete 5 hours of UAV flying, practical assessment, written exam which covers things like Aviation Law, Weather, Battery Voltage, CASA regulations.
You MUST have a Chief Pilot or has obtained a ReOC sign off ALL commercial missions and be approved by them before you can fly it, they also must have the same type of UAV in their ReOC Library Appendix 4 or you must have your UAV added to their ReOC, you WILL have to compensate the ReOC as they will be held accountable if you stuff up.
- RePL holders CAN obtain Insurance including Liability, Theft and Damage
- Can Fly in Restricted or Controlled airspace - Aeronautical Radio required, CASA Approval maybe required
- CAN fly at night if signed off by ReOC
- CAN obtain ReOC
- CAN certify on UAV up to 35kg - $300 AUD
- CAN request CASA Approval to fly above 400ft AGL
- You MUST adhere to all CASA Requirements regarding use of your UAV - do not fly more than 400ft AGL [no excepts like you guys have, allowing 400ft above a structure]; with in 30m of a building, within 30m of people or 15m of those working for you.
3. RPA Remote Operators Certificate [ReOC] - Costs $1650 AUD - must complete RePL to gain ReOC.
- Must complete a 40 page Manual [outlines how you will undertake your role as Chief Pilot and who is in charge of what],
- 20 page Appendix 4 Library [ Lists your UAV's and other forms and information pertaining to your Manual],
- Complete 101-06 & 101-08 forms
- Complete a Mock Mission with all requirements completed including Job Safety report, Risk assessment, maps showing lading/take off area, weather info, known HSL, Controlled or Uncontrolled airports with in 3NM, who the stake holders in the area will be [Land owners, City Council, CASA, Business, Police etc],
- Complete a 1 1/2 - 2 hour phone interview going over your mission and asking Aviation questions
Once you have obtained your ReOC you will able to complete the following -
- Fly at night - MUST follow CASA requirements, may require CASA approval
- Can Fly in Restricted or Controlled airspace - Aeronautical Radio required, CASA Approval maybe required
- CAN request CASA Approval to fly above 400ft AGL
- Can sign off your own Missions
- Run your own UAV Business
- You MUST adhere to all CASA Requirements regarding use of your UAV - do not fly more than 400ft AGL [no excepts like you guys have, allowing 400ft above a structure]; with in 30m of a building, within 30m of people.
- ReOC is granted for 12 months at first, after CASA audit can be granted for a further 3 years at a cost of just under $500 AUD.
In Australia CASA will educate you first but are happy to fine you $10,000 [$7422 USD] per offence if you don't listen, this has been done and will be continued to be done [still not done enough], we had a guy fly his Drone to get a hotdog from Bunnings Warehouse, it was uploaded and he was investigated and fined I think for about 5-6 offences, could have been more.
Most people don't know the rules and once they are advised they seem to be pretty good here in Perth, its those types that ignore the education side and keep breaking the regulations, that I personal hope the book is thrown at them.
Personally for me I have invested a lot of time & money around $33,000 AUD [$24492.60 USD] in my training, UAV's, Safety Gear, Marketing [Website, biz cards, Uniform] and would be rightly pissed if some guy came along with an Inspire 2, M210, M600 with no Training, no understanding of the regulations and then did a commercial job and got paid for it, he is breaking all Regulations and using a Commercial UAV with no licence and should be fined etc. I had a kid who did some work experience with me asked if he took photo's with his Mavic Pro and decided later to sell them is that commercial? I advised him that if you take any photo with your Drone/UAV and have the understanding that you will be, could be selling them at any stage it is commercial even if he was flying as a hobby flyer, its the Intent to gain money from said operation of the UAV.
In relation to the Sub 2kg class exception I try and educate my clients, I show them my certification, I show them my safety gear, they see that I have a Commercial UAV and that I am serious about my job and that I take their mission seriously as well. I state to them if the Drone Flyer [not Pilot] doesn't have a Remote Pilots Licence then they CAN NOT get insurance or fly a UAV over 2kgs. I am hoping that this is enough to deter them from using a Non-Insured UAV operator over me.
I hope this hasn't been to long winded, I have completed the following training and own a DJI Mavic Pro and a Matrice 210 with a Zenmuse X5S, I am hoping to get an Inspire 2 to replace the Mavic Pro in the near future.
- Remote Pilots Licence [RePL] - Obtained 26 Jan 2018
- Aeronautical Radio Operators Certificate - Obtained 26 Jan 2018
- Surveying and Mapping Course [2 days]
- RPA Remote Operators Certificate [ReOC] - Obtained 28 June 2018
Thanks to those that have read this and hopefully you see you guys have it easier than us, well I think you guys do, its now 12:38am and I am off to bed - Cheers Jace