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FAA- "Report all commercial activity conducted by non-Part 107 licensees to the local FAA FSDO"...

It appears that the FAA 107 ticket is equivalent to RePL (>25kg). The U.S. has no “commercial” starter tickets such as your <2 kg cert.

I think the logic here is that essentially anyone can actually physically fly and maneuver a drone (have you ever seen someone who simply couldn’t fly a modern drone right out of the box? I haven’t: I’ve seen 3-yr olds do it easily), it’s the limitations on where and when they can be where and when (via validated book learning), that is what is key.
Exactly. While having your Part 107 does ensure you were exposed to some degree of education it does nothing to demonstrate you understand the subject matter or know how to safely (I didn't say proficiently because that's another ball of wax) operate a sUAS. To make matters worse, there are several online "Schools" who are proud to "Teach you how to pass the test" rather than teaching you the subject matter and being able to use that knowledge in Real-World applications. It's fact that many people will pass the test and then jump online and ask questions so basic and simple you know they merely studied "answers" and got lucky on how they chose 1, 2, 3, or 4.

To fly for our Emergency Services you have to have a min of 100hrs logged as RPIC. While that # seems kind of daunting it's fairly easy to accomplish in a short period of time when you're flying for training and/or proficiency.

Excellent Real-World exercises.Those are very similar to what we teach and require our students/pilots to be able to manage. Also we toss in Emergency Procedures (Loss of Control, Loss of Video Feed etc). We also teach some High Stress Flying (with someone standing over your shoulder telling you what they want you to do etc), precision flying (under an EZ Up, through open windows, landing behind an object, and landing in very tight quarters. All things that we do day in and day out when flying in the role of Emergency Services aSUAS operator.

Can you get Insurance with out one?

Most likely yes but in reality you shouldn't be able to. Many operators skip insurance... bad idea... VERY bad idea.

How much does it cost to get your 107?

Test alone is $150

Are you only regulated to flying up to 2kgs?
55lbs, under 100 mph and a few other lax stipulations.

Would the 107 be similar to our Remote Pilots Licence? or Remote Operators Certificate?
Part 107 is the FAA's Remote Pilot In Commend credential.

So you can pay $150 USD sit a little test, with no Practical flying experience and then be considered a Chief Pilot??

I’m just blown away, I am now considered a Chief Pilot and can run my own Commercial UAV business as I have both my RPA Remote Operators Certificate and Remote Pilot Licence, you can NOT run your UAV Business on a Remote Pilots Licence, I need to confirm this but I believe you can only get Insurance once you have your ReOC.

I mean I’m no expert on flying a UAV, that’s why I train and will be trying for 3 hours a week. But with out practical training that zeroed in on some fundamental basics of flying a UAV I wouldn’t be where I am now and can’t believe you are deemed a “Commercial Pilot” hence my statement that it’s seems you get it from your Cracker Jack cereal box.

In regards to “Commercial “ UAV flying you have to to get your RePL and ReOC to get Insurance no business is going to hire you with out at least $20,000,000 AUD liability. You have to show your ReOC Cert even for a quote.

CASA is looking into registration of all Drones / UAVs 250g and above, and talk of at least siting an online course to fly.

A side note what UAVs are you guys flying “Commercial”? Is it a Phantom 4 Pro? Mavic Pro? Spark ?

When I look at “Commercial” I think of Inspire 2, Matrice 200/210/600 or similar platform, I would find rocking up to a Industrial site with My Mavic Pro a joke and that’s what I’m hearing is happening as they will try and fly in the Under 2KG limit and not be certified.

It will take time and educating business to request proof of your 107, ReOC/RePL before they hire you or the guy down the road. Once this happens it will slow or even deter those that are circumnavigating the system.

Also for us here you have to have your ABN - Australian Business Number and either be a Sole Trader or Compnay to then apply for your RPA Remote Operators Certificate.

Some businesses like the Mines or Oil and Gas can state you need between 50-300 hours on the UAV you use for inspections, Survey and Mapping.

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