Came across this article about the FAA using LAANC requests to track down and check on commercial ops.
According to the piece, they are asking for not only what is required in the regulation (Part 107) but going further and asking for proof of factors we all believe are "best practice" items but not currently "required" by law.
If true, I think this is problematic. For example, when I submit a manned flight plan, it is to enhance safety in the NAS for everyone. If by submitting a flight plan, that marked me as needing a ramp check, then I would think twice about filing one, even if I was trying to do everything correctly. If the FAA is using a LAANC request as a means to locate and check up on uas ops, they are going against what they have done in the past. Maybe they just don't know how to randomly check on uas ops, but this seems like a lazy and wrong approach to me.
In addition, many of the factors listed in what they are checking may be "best practice", but are not currently included in the regulation and therefore the FAA rep has no basis for "verifying" them. Imagine being pulled over for a "courtesy stop" by local law enforcement and being asked to show your documentation for your advanced NASCAR approved driving training....huh??
Let's get this stuff into the regulation and THEN check for conformity. This is a backwards approach. What a shame.
"Ramp Checks" and Best Practices: Notes from the Drone Journalism Leadership Summit | Drone Business Center