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Greetings from Southern California!


New Member
Sep 21, 2018
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Redondo Beach, CA
So...I've been flying for about a year, now. The last 6 months I got really serious about it and started putting in lots more flight time. Getting to learn better drone/camera movement, how to shoot different conditions/terrain etc. The last 3 months....well...it's become apparent that it's gonna help me with my monetary streams. So....time to do my Part 107. I've read lots of discussions and threads so I know going with a study/prep course online is gonna be the safest and smartest way to move forward.

I've also read several threads and discussions (here and Phantom) about what to charge people. It looks like approx $150 is probably what i'd bill out for a 30 seconds worth of fully edited and uploaded content.

Getting an AMA membership and also getting additional liability insurance for my flying is imperative. Stop me if i'm wrong on anything.

I'm currently using: Phantom P4A, Apple iPad Air, 3 regular batteries with approx 70 cycles on each, and a brand new hi-cap one. All DJI and the DJI hub. I only use SanDisk MicroSD cards, they've never failed and seem to be the highest rated, still. Thinking of buying the new generation ones (supposedly transfer and process 4K better?) Great traveling case (Case Club). Currently using a standard range antenna setup but I'm gonna invest in the ITElite antenna configuration.

Anyone think of anything I might be missing? Any recommendations on anything? Other than obtaining a permit ($145!!!!) if I wanna film in Hermosa Beach.....

I've already got jobs lined up but I wanna make sure I dot all the eyes and cross all the tees.

Thanks for havin me aboard!

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