FYI, see attached PA Society of Land Surveyors Statement on Mapping and Positioning Services.
The legal teams of the folks who lost their disputes relying on your drawings didn’t do their jobs. Municipal GIS databases don’t include actual property lines and one typically has no idea of the source of the information in the database. Municipal GIS property info is usually for tax purposes only and is most often based on available information including satellite image indications of property boundaries (visible fence lines and the like) - not boundary surveys.
Even deed descriptions of the properties involved in a dispute often have errors, so property lines can only be established by a licensed surveyor via field survey.
You and your clients would be better served if you 1) indicate the source of the information shown on your drawings, 2) that property lines must be established by a licensed surveyor, 3) you are not a licensed surveyor, and 4) that you are not responsible for the misuse of the information shown on you drawings. This would help lay people (such as property owners, lawyers, judges, and juries) understand what they are looking at.
Boundary survey drawings need to be signed and sealed by a licensed surveyor in most states.
My work has been evaluated and approved by (2) NC Attorneys and a local Judge and all (3) gave a thumbs-up. With all due respect, I'm going to go with the attorneys and the Judge on this one since they are the ones I'll be calling if it comes into question.