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Looking for a high nit phone or tablet, any suggestions? good battery life as well?


Well-Known Member
Dec 30, 2020
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looking for suggestions on a high nit phone or tablet, running multiple apps, djigo4 and autel explorer.
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Good luck. I will be watching this thread with great interest.
I really like my TRIPLTEK 7" Pro. I use a data only sim card in it so I am completely phone free. Really bright (1200 nits sustained) better than my CS 7.8 or CS 5.5. Over 4oz lighter than the CS 7.8 and built like a tank. Like the CS you will need to use a tablet holder that will accommodate the over sized case. I like the touch screen that allows use with normal gloves. No HDMI out though.

I have used the Tripltek with all my aircraft with out any issues:
Mavic 2
Evo 2
Mini 2

Vendor site - Brightest Tablet Android on the market | Tripltek

Lowest price I have found on Pro version - TRIPLTEK 7" Pro 8GB Ultra-Bright Tablet
Rumor has a DJI may be releasing a new FW for CS and UBCS. The UBCS is 2000 nit, but has been limited by FW and older Android OS. Also generally a closed OS... not as open as iPad Pro. The TriplTek is a bright unit and the newer Pro model is 1 version newer Android OS than standard TriplTek. May be limited on newer OS versions too.

I've found the iPad Pro with Hoodman is great, but hood does hamper some situations.

I'm holding out hope UBCS FW might provide some renewed usage... but that's an uncertainty.
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Rumor has a DJI may be releasing a new FW for CS and UBCS. The UBCS is 2000 nit, but has been limited by FW and older Android OS. Also generally a closed OS... not as open as iPad Pro. The TriplTek is a bright unit and the newer Pro model is 1 version newer Android OS than standard TriplTek. May be limited on newer OS versions too.

I've found the iPad Pro with Hoodman is great, but hood does hamper some situations.

I'm holding out hope UBCS FW might provide some renewed usage... but that's an uncertainty.

I don't think a FW update for the CS will change its current function as a monitor with basic tablet capability. Do you think they will upgrade the OS to 64bit (doable, but unlikely). I really like using the Tripltek without a hotspot from my phone,
The chipset could use 64bit OS to my understanding... and if so, would make the CS series a valid tablet again. Monitor, it's still a great monitor.. 1000 or 2000 nit is a worthy outdoor monitor; if OS was upgraded, it'd be a great tablet. Won't change resolution, but that's competitive now if OS would improve and additional apps would be installable.

In an ideal world, I'd like to see 64 bit and open or more open tablet architecture. I like the interface, CS mount to Credence, quick battery swap and the touch screen. The cooling & fans in the UBCS was greatly improved after a FW update a few years ago.

The CS series was more widely used in Enterprise or higher cost platforms. That could be encouraging, but also the sametime, higher end market is willing to upgrade to new hardware too... that could be discouraging. ?

Will DJI take a full upgrade direction, probably not... but we can hope! It's a pricey tablet, hate it to see it take a shelf and gather dust. If not upgraded, the alternative to the Enterprise Platform & DJI interface is lacking unless they have a new CS model in the works... which wouldn't be surprising.
I am very impressed with the tripltek. The only issues with it are the current mounting solutions. I am currently working on a cheap and simple solution that will allow the tripltek to used by any tablet holder. I have had many revisions but wanted something that would hold the tablet secure in the unique settings that a commercial pilot would be using it in. I wanted it to be as secure as the CS on the cendence controller.

The next step will be making an adapter to mount to the Cendence CS mount. Im hoping I can borrow one of the broken controllers from work so I can prototype without having to buy one of the mounts. I will make a separate thread on that as I get close. I use the CS everyday at work. But if given my choice I would take a Tripltek over a CS anyday.
The only issue I've had with the TRIPLTEK Pro is the M2 remote charges the tablet. I can only fly one battery before the remote's battery is depleted.
TRIPLTEK is supposed to be making a cable to fix this. In the meantime , I'll use my iPad Mini 4.
The only issue I've had with the TRIPLTEK Pro is the M2 remote charges the tablet. I can only fly one battery before the remote's battery is depleted.
TRIPLTEK is supposed to be making a cable to fix this. In the meantime , I'll use my iPad Mini 4.
This is a general, known Android issue/"feature" not specific to the remote and this is why it isn't happening with your iPad Mini. I'm a little suspicious of them to just make a cable to make around this.
I usually connect my tablet to the USB-A (large) connection, and when needed I plug a 10000 mah power bank into the micro USB to keep it charged up.
It does seem that the tripltek I just bought drains the rc faster than my Tab S6.
There are some apps that will limit charging but they require root access, and I'm not sure I want to go there.
I've been wading through the world of custom Android industrial panels looking for a unicorn. I keep telling myself that there really is a 15" high Nit touch screen with the right I/Os and Play Services out there somewhere. I just gotta find it......
I’ve been using an 11” iPad Pro and it works great in all but the most bright direct sunlight (get a monitor hood). 600 nits, high-res, 120 hz, and fantastic to own in general.
looking for suggestions on a high nit phone or tablet, running multiple apps, djigo4 and autel explorer.
I'm using my lg V60 phone..their last flagship. 650nits...my last phone was a v20... I was flying my mini 2 at the beach...my phone battery died.. I borrowed my wife's 3 year old phone. A lg G7.. It was 94 degrees out and I could see better than I ever have. I looked up the phones specs...and it has a 920nits brightness screen!! No other LG get out of the mid 600s. I went on Amazon and bought one refurbed for $92 in perfect shape. I'm using it till this day. And it's strong enough to use a" 835 8 core snapdragon" Apowermirror. To mirror the screen to my V60 in a cheap set of VR goggles using Litchi...and the head tracking works. That way no taking the phone out of goggles to change settings while flying.
Anyway the only phone with a higher nits value is a Samsung s22...
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I'm using my lg V60 phone..their last flagship. 650nits...my last phone was a v20... I was flying my mini 2 at the beach...my phone battery died.. I borrowed my wife's 3 year old phone. A lg G7.. It was 94 degrees out and I could see better than I ever have. I looked up the phones specs...and it has a 920nits brightness screen!! No other LG get out of the mid 600s. I went on Amazon and bought one refurbed for $92 in perfect shape. I'm using it till this day. And it's strong enough to use a" 835 8 core snapdragon" Apowermirror. To mirror the screen to my V60 in a cheap set of VR goggles using Litchi...and the head tracking works. That way no taking the phone out of goggles to change settings while flying.
Anyway the only phone with a higher nits value is a Samsung s22...
Go to gsmarena to check out the lg g7 review. My wife will keep that phone till it dies. Ive put my SIM card in it and works great. Just no more android on it. Only upgradable to android 10. Its was a flagship phone. Thin with great battery life

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