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Looking for advice on a startup

Here in the central valley of California we don't have winter as others do. I know a bit about fertilizers and pesticides, I flew crop dusters until I used up eight of my nine lives. Now I would love to turn the families Cessna 188 into a drone, but I don't think that is going to happen. Maybe if I talked to DJI.

Sounds pretty far fetched, but think about how much high quality camera/lens gear you could fly in a full size airplane, and you wouldn't have to land every 15-20 minutes to change out your batteries. I also think precision ag imaging is going to have to keep scaling up to be cost effective ... so not that far fetched?
Sounds pretty far fetched, but think about how much high quality camera/lens gear you could fly in a full size airplane, and you wouldn't have to land every 15-20 minutes to change out your batteries. I also think precision ag imaging is going to have to keep scaling up to be cost effective ... so not that far fetched?

There is still opportunities out there for fixed wing and helicopter pilots to do aerial photography work.
Here in the central valley of California we don't have winter as others do. I know a bit about fertilizers and pesticides, I flew crop dusters until I used up eight of my nine lives. Now I would love to turn the families Cessna 188 into a drone, but I don't think that is going to happen. Maybe if I talked to DJI.

I wish you the best of luck, and keep posting your experiences, I'm an old dog that love to learn new tricks.
That makes two of us that aren't satisfied to sit in a rocker and watch the world go by - NEVER to old to learn !!

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