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Outing uncertified commercial operators

Jan 21, 2018
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Upstate New York
My question is two-part:
  1. Should we be reporting those that we see using their drones commercially without their Part 107 certification?
  2. How would someone go about reporting an offender?
While I'm sure that not everyone loves the law, it is in place and needs to be followed. Those of us that are certified have taken the time to study and pass the test as well as paid our fees.

I hate to be a "rat," but drones already have a bad reputation with many people. The last thing that we need is some fool charging for a job and then either not delivering or causing property damage or personal injury.

It's tough enough to make a business out of this with FAA certification without having to compete with people that don't know the rules and have no investment other than having received a cool "toy" as a gift.

What are your thoughts?
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Yeah I am not too sure, but there's a drone report form, illegal or unsafe flying, lost or found drone.
Home <- the link or federaldronereport.com
If anyone were listening yes
See my thread on who is policing us
Lots of reason to believe that reporting people goes nowhere
Yeah I am not too sure, but there's a drone report form, illegal or unsafe flying, lost or found drone.
Home <- the link or federaldronereport.com
Thanks for the link. I wonder if they can do anything that we can't do ourselves. At the least, perhaps consolidating all of the reports in one location may prompt some sort of action.
If you are confident someone is doing something illegal or unsafe then report it.

It's possible nothing will come from it but it's also possible someone will learn and make some changes to what and how they fly.
My question is two-part:
  1. Should we be reporting those that we see using their drones commercially without their Part 107 certification?
  2. How would someone go about reporting an offender?
While I'm sure that not everyone loves the law, it is in place and needs to be followed. Those of us that are certified have taken the time to study and pass the test as well as paid our fees.

I hate to be a "rat," but drones already have a bad reputation with many people. The last thing that we need is some fool charging for a job and then either not delivering or causing property damage or personal injury.

It's tough enough to make a business out of this with FAA certification without having to compete with people that don't know the rules and have no investment other than having received a cool "toy" as a gift.

What are your thoughts?
We are licensed commercial pilots. Ignoring people flying for hire illegally would be irresponsible and unprofessional. Would you consider a Commercial part 97 PIlot who reported a fellow Captain in a bar 1 hour before duty a “rat”?
The FCC has a group in hamm radio called OO's. These folks monitor and report to FCC the violators of current laws and regulations. This makes radio operators do their own watching. The FAA has DME, DPE and other groups that maintain aviation . It seems to me if "we" licensed commercial drone pilots got a lobbyist to voice for these things in Washington, we would have a stronger case.
I'm former military and I'm used to rules and regulations, I would love to put on a KBG badge, visit Real Estate companies and asked who flew the aerial. I would like to see that they keep records of aerial contractors and or in house pilots (107). If not, a warning then next time a fine!;):cool::eek::rolleyes:o_O
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I have gone to some real estate companies asking about their aerial work. Then explaining who's ever doing the aerial should have a 107, then explain why.
As usual, not well received! LOL:D

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I believe that we should report illegal activity. 1 bad apples make us all look bad, so we have to help police ourselves. That isn't to say you can't try to educate the alleged offender before reporting. Heck you might make a new friend.
Bob, you are correct. The problem in self management of government issued license by "police" lends an enforcement action and non law enforcement people need not get involved. Lawsuits do more damage to the idea of commercial drone pilots. Education is the way.
I would report someone who was putting others in danger but would not do anything to anyone who does not have a license.

Imagine if everyone starts reporting others and it starts on only suspicions. Pretty soon we are all getting harassed and causing legit flyers and possibly law enforcement to waste time checking for certificates. All I need is someone interrupting me during a critical time of light while working to show my license.
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I think law enforcement would allow you to continue and you can show credentials after landing. It takes just a minute to explain and ask them to allow you to finish as lighting is important and this is your job.just my opinion.
My pet peeve is all the night flights on youtube as well as beyond vlos. You know most of these are illegal, and done by hobbyist.
My question is two-part:
  1. Should we be reporting those that we see using their drones commercially without their Part 107 certification?
  2. How would someone go about reporting an offender?
While I'm sure that not everyone loves the law, it is in place and needs to be followed. Those of us that are certified have taken the time to study and pass the test as well as paid our fees.

I hate to be a "rat," but drones already have a bad reputation with many people. The last thing that we need is some fool charging for a job and then either not delivering or causing property damage or personal injury.

It's tough enough to make a business out of this with FAA certification without having to compete with people that don't know the rules and have no investment other than having received a cool "toy" as a gift.

What are your thoughts?
We need to protect our industry.Take a pic of the guy on the remote control and ask him for a business card.Then report it.I"m having a hard time to get professional calls in Miami,because of the unlicensed pilots all over the city.Reporting this kind of players,you getting closer to the legal thing.
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