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P4P Update: Orange RAW files on shots pointing straight down

Tennessee Drone Services

Well-Known Member
Jan 6, 2018
Reaction score
I updated Thursday and flew a job with a P4P+ I didn't notice the issue then. It was 67F here and I did shoot straight down a couple of times.

However, I took it out today and had this issue happen as well as the video feed do a 180 on the display. Today it is~20F. I thought it was maybe the cold. I was able to correct in post for the orange cast, but it won't work for every situation as it desaturates orange.

Also, the gimbal went a bit wonky a couple of times during the flight.

Anyone else here experiencing this? If so,
did you notice a difference between using the button on the remote to point straight down and and using the wheel to manually move it down?
I updated Thursday and flew a job with a P4P+ I didn't notice the issue then. It was 67F here and I did shoot straight down a couple of times.

However, I took it out today and had this issue happen as well as the video feed do a 180 on the display. Today it is~20F. I thought it was maybe the cold. I was able to correct in post for the orange cast, but it won't work for every situation as it desaturates orange.

Also, the gimbal went a bit wonky a couple of times during the flight.

Anyone else here experiencing this? If so,
did you notice a difference between using the button on the remote to point straight down and and using the wheel to manually move it down?

-20? Yikes, that's way too cold to even let the dog out to poop or check the mail...let alone fly!
Not negative 20, ~20 (round about 20). From what I'm reading, temps has nothing to do with it. It seems to be related to the firmware update.
I tend to not update craft fw when things are working well and no new feature is added that I need, so I'm a couple versions back on my P4P.

The color cast sounds like a white balance issue. Do you set a white balance or is it on auto? I've noticed that if I set it to Cloudy on cloudy days, it seems overly warm, or orange to my liking so I leave it on sunny or manual 5400k for the most part. DJI often will change the way camera settings are applied between FWs too.
I tend to not update craft fw when things are working well and no new feature is added that I need, so I'm a couple versions back on my P4P.

The color cast sounds like a white balance issue. Do you set a white balance or is it on auto? I've noticed that if I set it to Cloudy on cloudy days, it seems overly warm, or orange to my liking so I leave it on sunny or manual 5400k for the most part. DJI often will change the way camera settings are applied between FWs too.
I still had the issue happen after changing the white balance to cloudy from auto. Not sure what happened with the update, but here's to hoping they get it fixed!
Give Sunny a try, or even manual at 5000-5400 and see if it helps. Even if it is cloudy.
As I mentioned, cloudy seems too orange. Auto could also be giving you a too warm look.
Thanks for the suggestion, but it's definitely not a white balance issue. I tried different white balances just to see if a different one might override what it was doing. It didn't. It doesn't do the orange cast all the time, but it does flip the video feed more consistently, which causes you to have to fly the opposite of the way you normally would while the cam is pointed straight down.

Here's an example, with photos of what I'm talking about: Random orange tint after firmware update
Have you tried opening those dngs in something like Raw Therapee that doesn't apply the built in profile? Maybe it is the profile that's whacked. Can your roll back the firmware.
I've tried Fast Raw viewer as well as lightroom/photoshop. I think it's a byproduct of the firmware update based on everything I've found online. I think I'll just have to wait to use the updated p4p+'s for straight down shots until they are fixed.

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