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Part 107 Recurrency Test?

The proposal does not drop the idea of recurrency. It will likely still involve a written test. How that test (or other manner of recurrency) is administered is the probable main change to what we have now.
I must be misunderstanding the proposal. I'm not suggesting that it drops the idea of recurrency. I am interpreting it to mean we move from testing center (UGR test) to online training for recurrency.
No, I didn't either. I suspect it will be delivered by 3rd parties that get their course approved by the FAA and charge a fee. Or perhaps participation in the WINGS program covering related topics. Yes, just words on paper, and could change, but I highly doubt they will move from the concept of recurrent training rather than recurrent testing. Of course, that is just my opinion.

Before you go making assumptions, its more prudent to wait and see what the final decision from everyone involved in the process actually is. The proposal hasn't even gotten through public comments at this point so there is no telling exactly what is going to shake out. We can all speculate and prognosticate but all that really boils down to is mental **sturbation and serves no point.
Before you go making assumptions, its more prudent to wait and see what the final decision from everyone involved in the process actually is. The proposal hasn't even gotten through public comments at this point so there is no telling exactly what is going to shake out. We can all speculate and prognosticate but all that really boils down to is mental **sturbation and serves no point.
Feel free to do and say what you like. I will do the same.
Yes, I agree. That's what I meant when I suggested a change to how any test might be administered.
I hope you guys are right and that they pass this before mine comes due in July. I said earlier that I did not see the need to take a training course to study for the recurrency test. But I would sign up for recurrency training at Gold Seal (assuming you would offer it if the rule changes). I have heard nothing but good about you guys.
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I hope you guys are right and that they pass this before mine comes due in July. I said earlier that I did not see the need to take a training course to study for the recurrency test. But I would sign up for recurrency training at Gold Seal (assuming you would offer it if the rule changes). I have heard nothing but good about you guys.

If the rules change? They offer a Recurrent Module already:

A lot of speculation going on about the proposed non-waivered night flight and flight over people. Here's post I just made in the Gold Seal FB group:
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Just for the record, my opinion about the NPRM addressing night flight and operations over people may take upwards of a year to become law. So, nothing coming in the next few months. The FAA will have to modify its existing testing, among other things. Also note that most existing drones will not qualify for non-waivered flight over people. There are specific items such as protected rotors and testing to prove that the falling drone does not transfer more than 11 ft-lbs of energy on impact. This will require destruction testing to confirm and will probably be something that the manufacturers will address in new drone models. I also expect that the FAA will start issuing ADs (Airworthiness Directives) for drones based on some of the wording in the NPRM.
The proposal does not drop the idea of recurrency. It will likely still involve a written test. How that test (or other manner of recurrency) is administered is the probable main change to what we have now.

Well we already have an example of the FAA making recurrent training free, for those pilots who are Part 61 current. They just complete an online course at no charge.
Well we already have an example of the FAA making recurrent training free, for those pilots who are Part 61 current. They just complete an online course at no charge.
And that might happen. We just don't know. My guess is that the Recurrent test will remain as is, regarding the testing center and fee. They may add new content to cover the night operations and operations over people (as referenced in the NPRM), or they may make those two things extra tests (and in that case, my guess is they would probably be free on FAASafety.gov). But only time will tell.
And that might happen. We just don't know. My guess is that the Recurrent test will remain as is, regarding the testing center and fee. They may add new content to cover the night operations and operations over people (as referenced in the NPRM), or they may make those two things extra tests (and in that case, my guess is they would probably be free on FAASafety.gov). But only time will tell.

Well the proposed NPRM goes through the FAA's reasoning for changing the recurrent qualifications method from testing to an online module. They want a system where it would be easier for them to update the content to cover new topics that come up. Using the legacy system of test centers doesn't give them quite as much flexibility to quickly update things. But as you say, only time will tell.
Well we already have an example of the FAA making recurrent training free, for those pilots who are Part 61 current. They just complete an online course at no charge.

But the initial test Part 61 holder RPIC is also online and FREE as well. While it's possible they'll make it online I wouldn't be my bottom $$ on it until they confirm that information.
Yes, I did this test on the FAA safety site (practice exam/course). It is 29 questions and seems a little less with respect to "tricky business" with questions from the full test for example. The good thing about this is you can correct your test which helps in long term memory at least I think it does.

Still looking for more practice sites for the reccurency tests though.

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