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Question about Drone Base

Ok, I guess they are learning. I just had a job offer from them for a job. Was 120 miles round trip, map 5 acres, $450.00 dollars. So Ken, if you read this I take back all the nasty things I said about you, I just don't remember what they were.
Anyone have experience with drone up? In the past month ive had 4 "offers" 2 for the same job because i guess no one took the job. But at least there seems to be some offerings

One was to do thermal overflight of a mall in a really bad part of town at dawn or early evening.

I didnt have the equipment to do fhe job but with what they were paying i don't know if it would have been worth the risk anyways

I ran a car rental agency right down the road from that mall and ppl got shot there all the time. Im imagining flying 1000s of dollars worth of equipment. Some one seeing it and coming to investigate and relieving me of my drone and money lol
Have any of you accepted missions from Drone Base. They have sent me a few mission, I rejected all of them because they didn't want to pay anything. Well $60.00 for an hour drive and nine picture shoot.
This amazes me that they seem just like the real estate people, that our time doesn't have much value, and what really gets me is 107 pilots are taking missions like this.

My issue isn't with Drone Deploy as much as it is these companies that want us to work for nothing.
That is almost as bad as these banks and lenders that want photos taken of properties and offer fifteen to twenty dollars per property, and people are doing it.

If 107 pilots ever want to start making money, we all need to hold out for decent money.

Ok, I've complained enough

Cheers to all of you.

Not necessarily. Take for example the real estate industry. I'm sure they love being able to show aerial footage and photos of a house they are selling. But do they actually NEED it? No. They've done fine selling homes without aerial photography since the beginning of time. I'm guessing the attitude in the industry is if they can get aerials on the cheap -- great! Otherwise they don't really need to spend the money on something they don't feel they really need. I just don't see any mystery about that and IMO doubt the industry is buying as much aerial photography as people think, for ANY price.

Let's say $600 is a fair price for a modest real estate shoot within a reasonable travel distance. Is it realistic to think a real estate agent is going to give up $600 of his/her commission to sell a house that they will probably wind up selling anyway using traditional hand-held photography? I don't mean to be a Debbie-downer. Just being realistic. I'm guessing the rule of supply and demand in this case is really based on the fact that the real estate industry will ONLY buy if the price is low, pushing demand down.

I have a high school friend of 40 years who runs a local real estate office. He is aware that I fly a done, yet has never approached me to ask if I would be interested in helping him aquire aerial photos/video of the properties he sells, neither for a fee or a favor. He sells a range of middle to high income family homes. Out of curiosity, I'll ask him if he uses anyone for that service -- making it clear that I am simply inquiring out of curiosity and not looking for work myself. Should give me an honest answer.
Would love to know the response you get from your friend.
$120.00 per hour from drone base. Well maybe some people. I just received another job from them, Fresno, CA two hours away, and $85.00. I it was offered yesterday and sure enough someone took it, they must be desperate to work that cheap.

The one thing I see in this field, there is no consistency in fees. Now I do realize I live in a remote area so I don't expect to get many offers, nor do I want many. But if I"m going to work, I"m either going to make a decent profit, or I'm going fishing.
$120.00 per hour from drone base. Well maybe some people. I just received another job from them, Fresno, CA two hours away, and $85.00. I it was offered yesterday and sure enough someone took it, they must be desperate to work that cheap.

The one thing I see in this field, there is no consistency in fees. Now I do realize I live in a remote area so I don't expect to get many offers, nor do I want many. But if I"m going to work, I"m either going to make a decent profit, or I'm going fishing.

I think you can change your preferences in DB to offer you only jobs that are within 1 hour of your location. Maybe the person from Fresno lives a block away from the job??
I think you can change your preferences in DB to offer you only jobs that are within 1 hour of your location. Maybe the person from Fresno lives a block away from the job??

That is a good point, and hopefully the person is close by. The thing is if you think you are going to go out, do the shoot, upload the photos and do it in less than say an hour you are mistaken. Since this is a hit and miss business one needs to make a nice profit on each job.
It's kind of like working for the airlines, if you are on the extra board with little or no seniority you will starve, truck drivers make more money, but their are plenty of pilots that will do anything to fly, including working for nothing, this business is pretty much the same way.
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Have any of you accepted missions from Drone Base. They have sent me a few mission, I rejected all of them because they didn't want to pay anything. Well $60.00 for an hour drive and nine picture shoot.
This amazes me that they seem just like the real estate people, that our time doesn't have much value, and what really gets me is 107 pilots are taking missions like this.

My issue isn't with Drone Deploy as much as it is these companies that want us to work for nothing.
That is almost as bad as these banks and lenders that want photos taken of properties and offer fifteen to twenty dollars per property, and people are doing it.

If 107 pilots ever want to start making money, we all need to hold out for decent money.

Ok, I've complained enough

Cheers to all of you.

Does drone base/Zeitview offer mapping software for their mapping missions or are you suppose to have your own?

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