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Still Photos

While we've not gone door to door, I have invested a percentage of our profits back towards advertising. Billboards, direct mailings, targeting certain company higher ups with face-to-face scheduled meetings, etc. That, coupled with bartering, and most importantly, delivering a consistent quality product, has opened up doors that allow us a sustainable business model... at least in the short term. Who knows what the future holds for drone pilots and companies, but as it stands now, I'm riding the wave :)

See below a recent mailer I sent out to targeted businesses. It is 17"x14" and two sided. I've had a good response from it.

See also below for a recent magazine cover I provided. In exchange, I was able to get an ad and a few new clients thus far because they are now name dropping us for companies that are buying ads from them.

Just some things that have shown a good ROI for us and it may work in your demographic area as well.

TN Drone Services Flyer Revised for Web.jpg MVIMG_20180224_180925.jpg
Didn't mean to take it off topic, just giving an example of what transpired. Sorry. I won't post any more.

Oh no you did fine. I was just prefacing by stating I was taking it more "Off Topic" before someone else called me out on it LOL.
Has anyone gone around asking if people would like a aerial photo of their home. If you have did it work. What did you charge? Did you frame it for them or just give them the photo on an as card?
You might spend a great deal less time if you print flyers (maybe 2 or 3 depending on layout per 8.5 X 11 sheet) and stick them in doors (DO NOT LEAVE THEM IN MAILBOXES-ONLY LETTER CARRIERS ARE SUPPOSED TO LEAVE ANYTHING THERE. Federal Regs.) They could pay you via PayPal... and, after receiving payment, you could deliver digital image via Email (or for an extra $3.00 on a CD if they don't do Email. .50 for cardboard envelope, .98 for postage and .50 for cd or about .25 if purchased by the hundred)
If you try this and you leave them in doors be sure they are not visible from the street, as that is practically an advertisement to passersby that there is no one home, and could aid and abet a break-in burglary. Trust me on this... you could be successfully sued in such a case if it came to light that your flyer was a contributor. Just be sure the flyer is all the way in the door, out of sight.
You will want your flyer to look professional, not childish, and of course it should have a sample of your work and you will need permission of the owner of the home in the image to use it for advertising.
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Look at the shadows of the goals and the light pole and that will help sort it out in your brain. It is a fascinating Optical illusion isn't it?

It is all about the shadows. I took it last October at noon. Goes to show how the light moves to the horizon as fall approaches.
Has anyone gone around asking if people would like a aerial photo of their home. If you have did it work. What did you charge? Did you frame it for them or just give them the photo on an as card?

I would think that would be intrusive. Advertising in the appropriate media would be a better part of energy.
I would think that would be intrusive. Advertising in the appropriate media would be a better part of energy.

This has been done for many years and many farmers and people with land around their homes happily purchased aerial photos taken on speculation. How is that "intrusive" and what does that have to do with the question? The question is whether you've tried it and if so have you had success at it?

I have sold a couple of photos to farmers who were happy to buy from me, but I did not do well when I tried to do it on a larger scale. Definitely some people would find it intrusive, but that wasn't the issue.
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Here's the question:

"Has anyone gone around asking if people would like a aerial photo of their home. If you have did it work. What did you charge? Did you frame it for them or just give them the photo on an as card?

"If you have did it work?" the part "did it work?" (Is, what were the reactions/results from the people you visited)?
Open ended question, can result in many answers and speculations.
Yes it is intrusive to some people and businesses. Been there done that!
So Rodger comment is appropriate based on the question.
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Lots of good response. I originally got this idea because we bought a photo of our home taken by a plane before drones were a thing. They came to our door with the photo.
Lots of good response. I originally got this idea because we bought a photo of our home taken by a plane before drones were a thing. They came to our door with the photo.
The best way is to beat down the doors. IMO with all the fear and media hype, I would think people will be more reluctant than in my days. You may want to mention, you would not post their home on any social media network. this might ease their fear a bit. But hey, give it a try! :):cool:
I've had very limited success doing aerial photos on speculation. Mostly it wasn't worth it, though there are companies that do well at it (or at least used to).

I don’t think he’s asking about speculation. Speculation would be when you take a picture not knowing if the prospect is going to buy it. He ask if you have gone around asking people if they wanted a picture done.[/QUOTE]

Thank you for pointing this out. You're right. I presumed he meant taking the picture first and then trying to sell it. My apologies for posts that were off-subject.
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Lots of good response. I originally got this idea because we bought a photo of our home taken by a plane before drones were a thing. They came to our door with the photo.

I'm a little confused now about your original post. Did you mean going door to door to get orders in advance to do aerial photos, or selling aerial photos after they have already been taken?
This has been done for many years and many farmers and people with land around their homes happily purchased aerial photos taken on speculation. How is that "intrusive" and what does that have to do with the question? The question is whether you've tried it and if so have you had success at it?

I have sold a couple of photos to farmers who were happy to buy from me, but I did not do well when I tried to do it on a larger scale. Definitely some people would find it intrusive, but that wasn't the issue.

I would find it intrusive. I would not like a door to door salesman bothering me. The answer would be an automatic no. The question was as you state, "Have you tried it" and my thought is that I would find that intrusive, simple. I would rather put my effort into putting my name out there where people are are looking at and for Real Estate. I think that would be more productive.
In the past, I have done Door-to-Door sales and it was very effective but there are a lot of differences to make note of:

A) It was a highly sought after and needed product
B) At the time, door-to-door was not uncommon and in fact people welcomed me into their homes
C) Now is a totally different mind-set and people are paranoid, worried, and down-right "stranger scared" so Door-to-Door is not nearly as effective or appreciated.
D) In today's society "Drones" are a bad word to many people who are not familiar with them or how much GREAT Things we can do with them.

Mass Mailings can be an inexpensive way to advertise to a specific area/region. Make a really nice Post Card showing your work and detailing your abilities and then coordinate with a Mass Mailing company and you're good to go. You can target a specific region or a specific income range or whatever. It only takes a couple of "Bites" to more than pay for the exposure.
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In my area we have a little paper called the Courier Journal that is mailed weekly to every house. I call it a sale paper but it has some news of interest of happenings around the area. It is very inexpensive compared to the regular daily news paper, however, the only draw back is all pictures are in B & W and of poor quality so you couldn't showcase your work. Many businesses in this area use it every week changing their ad from time to time. Some swear by it and say their business falls off when they quit for a while. I would agree that in this business you'd need a good quality color picture to get attention and get people thinking.
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In the past, I have done Door-to-Door sales and it was very effective but there are a lot of differences to make note of:

A) It was a highly sought after and needed product
B) At the time, door-to-door was not uncommon and in fact people welcomed me into their homes
C) Now is a totally different mind-set and people are paranoid, worried, and down-right "stranger scared" so Door-to-Door is not nearly as effective or appreciated.
D) In today's society "Drones" are a bad word to many people who are not familiar with them or how much GREAT Things we can do with them.

Mass Mailings can be an inexpensive way to advertise to a specific area/region. Make a really nice Post Card showing your work and detailing your abilities and then coordinate with a Mass Mailing company and you're good to go. You can target a specific region or a specific income range or whatever. It only takes a couple of "Bites" to more than pay for the exposure.

Thank you, my point exactly. I don't want anyone in my yard (which is 5 Acres in the country, never mind at my door step looking into my home. I have been broken into twice in the last 6 months. First time ion 40 years here. Times have changed for sure. I would be much more comfortable with someone contacting me, at least I would know that I am not infringing on someone's privacy.

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