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Surveyor with A2 CofC


New Member
Jan 13, 2021
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Hi all, i am a chartered building surveyor. I own a Phantom 4 and Mavic Mini which i have up to now used for recreational purposes. I have recently completed the A2 CofC exam. I know i need to get insurance but I wanted to check i am correct in my interpretation in that my MM can now be used for surveys under the legacy rules (A1 category). I think the Phantom cannot be used though as it is restricted to the A2? Am i correct in my understanding? Are any other users in the same situation as me? Many thanks. Matt
I seriously doubt the MM is up to anything at commercial level for a whole ton of reasons.
I agree to some extent.... i am not selling services..... only enhancing my existing service for certain instructions. The photos i get from the drone are almost as good as my Phantom 4.....
Hi all, i am a chartered building surveyor. I own a Phantom 4 and Mavic Mini which i have up to now used for recreational purposes. I have recently completed the A2 CofC exam. I know i need to get insurance but I wanted to check i am correct in my interpretation in that my MM can now be used for surveys under the legacy rules (A1 category). I think the Phantom cannot be used though as it is restricted to the A2? Am i correct in my understanding? Are any other users in the same situation as me? Many thanks.
I agree to some extent.... i am not selling services..... only enhancing my existing service for certain instructions. The photos i get from the drone are almost as good as my Phantom 4.....
Hi Matt.
With the A2 CofC you can use both of drones in UK for your work. Not in EU. For US, i dont know.
In any case for pro use, you have to declare your self as an operator, as pilot and have an insurance.
I hope to help you.
Have a nive day!
P.S. I live in Greece

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