That and the fact that those guys involved in ‘fly anywhere’ aren’t gonna use a compatible drone anyway. Maybe our older aircraft will be worth more than we think!In simple words... as written is has a LOT of potential to screw the vast majority of us over. Key words being As Written.
I would like to have more information about the details, infrastructure, real costs (not guesstimates), and hardware specifics before I would feel good about any aspect of it. Way to much "Grey Area" is placed in it and I'm confident that is by design.
LOL.. This is what I was thinking... Save your closets drones just in case.. Who knows what could happen..That and the fact that those guys involved in ‘fly anywhere’ aren’t gonna use a compatible drone anyway. Maybe our older aircraft will be worth more than we think!
Beevis & ----head discover drones....Just to play devils advocate: every time someone posts a video like this on youtube, it probably counts as 10,000 comments in support of the FAA's proposed draconian restrictions. Every time we stress how safe and responsible our community is, another one of these types of videos shows up on youtube. It's just a small percentage of people acting irresponsible and thumbing their noses at authority, and arguably mostly harmless fun ... but when I run across these videos it helps me at least see the FAA's perspective.
Just to play devils advocate: every time someone posts a video like this on youtube, it probably counts as 10,000 comments in support of the FAA's proposed draconian restrictions. Every time we stress how safe and responsible our community is, another one of these types of videos shows up on youtube. It's just a small percentage of people acting irresponsible and thumbing their noses at authority, and arguably mostly harmless fun ... but when I run across these videos it helps me at least see the FAA's perspective.
Amen, brother. The feds lax enforcement has created this monster.This is a problem of their own making. Being under-staffed and under-funded is just not an excuse. The FAA had the choice to punish people like the clown in the video under the regs but they chose instead to "educate" them. The FAA has consistently failed to uphold the regs with only a few examples facing prosecution. And now the unmanned community as a whole is going to have to pay the price because the FAA has failed to maintain the safety of the NAS by enforcing their own regulations.
AOPA is hustling hard to get those membership fees.AOPA’s response to the NPRM
AOPA seeks to improve drone tracking
While AOPA supports remote identification of unmanned aircraft in broad terms, the rules that the FAA has proposed would impose needless burdens on recreational users and others who keep their aircraft in
AOPA is hustling hard to get those membership fees.![]()
VAPORWARE!All of the public meeting notes seemed to say that they are in favor of the NPRM without actually understanding what was being proposed and they all wanted it really fast. The sad part is that this isn't anything other than a tool for the FAA and law enforcement to track operators down. It does not provide any information to general aviation or ATC that would improve everyone's safety. It stores the data in a database until someone needs it. At least that was my read. No clue at this point what the system will be. No regulation other than by contract which is BS. No price controls. Develop a new system that may or may not work at our expense ultimately.
We are going to impregnate a lot of goats with this proposal as written.
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