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Time line Construction

I didnt really assume you were in my area, Im in KS. But the site Ive been watching is in the same stage as your photo, just starting excavation.

If they are moving dirt you may already be too late. Our contracts for this type of work are usually signed and PO#'d 6 weeks before shovels hit dirt.

Every day you wait is another day for someone else to come in and get the project. Keep in mind your competition may be more than someone in the same town. We are working with one construction company and working in multiple towns, counties, and states doing all of their sUAS operations.
Im sure its a very good possibility you're right Al. I'd say the only thing maybe in my favor is that I dont think the business is as developed in my area as it is in some other areas. But as you said, they may have someone already from out of state etc.
Never hurts to ask I guess, and I know they're big, so maybe they would say, start on this other project....
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Im sure its a very good possibility you're right Al. I'd say the only thing maybe in my favor is that I dont think the business is as developed in my area as it is in some other areas. But as you said, they may have someone already from out of state etc.
Never hurts to ask I guess, and I know they're big, so maybe they would say, start on this other project....

Exactly. You never know until you ask. And they may have someone who does their work but they have to travel. Emphasize you're "just down the road" and you can be there for those times when someone else might not be able to. Get your foot in the door and then you have the opportunity to grow and show.

One thing you've got to get good at is being your own "Cheerleader". You've got to walk up, look the part, talk the part, have confidence, and be able to sell your abilities and your finished product. When you walk off the job site they need to be thinking, "How in the world did we do this without @Geo_in_KS before? We've got to contract with him ASAP." I don't care if you're selling dirt you've got to make them think that they can't do one more day's work without using YOUR dirt. Show them it's better, cheaper, and saves their company MONEY /TIME/RESOURCES while helping to meet or exceed expectations & requirements.
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Thanks! Things like that are some of what I need to learn, Ive never had any interest in sales or been any good at it; that HAS to change now.
I have some thoughts in mind for this.
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Yes images straight from the drone, I use GOM Player free download. Moving about 5mph. Once you have this running in GOM Player as you watch you can press the camera button and it takes that exact frame you want. Its then hidden in the GOM Player file folder, it's there instantly.
I do use a gaming computer that I purchased exclusively for 4k.
no blur
Alienware by chance? The R7 saved us weeks of processing time.
Yes. Same flight path and same image/video settings time and time again.
hey there guys, just doing research. I have an off brand drone Fimi x8 se, with a 4k 3axis. I am finding on results to locate planning, mission software that is usable for NON DJI drones, any suggestions. Looking to do some basic ortho, progression type work. Thanx
hey there guys, just doing research. I have an off brand drone Fimi x8 se, with a 4k 3axis. I am finding on results to locate planning, mission software that is usable for NON DJI drones, any suggestions. Looking to do some basic ortho, progression type work. Thanx

First off WELCOME to the forum!!!

I can't be of any help as I'm not familiar with that brand/offering at all. Sometimes the software is only written for the Main Stream aircraft unfortunately.
First off WELCOME to the forum!!!

I can't be of any help as I'm not familiar with that brand/offering at all. Sometimes the software is only written for the Main Stream aircraft unfortunately.
Ya ain't that the truth. Thought I would start off w a lower budget drone for practice/training before spending the DJI kinda money $$
Ya ain't that the truth. Thought I would start off w a lower budget drone for practice/training before spending the DJI kinda money $$

Nothing wrong with learning to fly on a "practice aircraft" but you'll want to learn the process etc using the same platform you work with. You'll Play like you Practice . . . .
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Hey there fellow drone pilots,

My first post here. I've been following this thread for some time and have been doing weekly video orbits over the past couple months of two constructions going on near me (20mins away) and I'm at the stage of contacting these contractors to offer my services.

Been wondering what is the best way to approach the companies?
On site, by phone or email?

I know a few of you have suggested just going to the site office but has anyone done it by email or phone?
What about an email showing them a short demo of the video with some aerial pics, show them on a laptop/tablet on site?

Thanks for any feedback
In person hands down. More personal.

DITTO! They get bombarded with email offers right and left. If you don't have an "In" with the company your email will most likely get deleted without reading it.

Take the time to go meet, shake hands, and be a salesman in person. Be sure to wear the correct Protective Clothing/Equipment if you're going on the job site. You want to be known as a potential team player not a safety liability.
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DITTO! They get bombarded with email offers right and left. If you don't have an "In" with the company your email will most likely get deleted without reading it.

Take the time to go meet, shake hands, and be a salesman in person. Be sure to wear the correct Protective Clothing if you're going on the job site. You want to be known as a potential team player not a safety liability.

Thanks Big A107 and R Martin, appreciated;)
Yes images straight from the drone, I use GOM Player free download. Moving about 5mph. Once you have this running in GOM Player as you watch you can press the camera button and it takes that exact frame you want. Its then hidden in the GOM Player file folder, it's there instantly.
I do use a gaming computer that I purchased exclusively for 4k.
no blur
It really does work if you have 4K running and can display it on a 4K display to snip from. I also do the same with 360 panos, but you do get a little distortion. Being able to pull many more pictures from a programmed location does make up for it though.
It really does work if you have 4K running and can display it on a 4K display to snip from. I also do the same with 360 panos, but you do get a little distortion. Being able to pull many more pictures from a programmed location does make up for it though.
Does GOM provide jpeg w meta data to upload for maps....

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