I would like to branch out and do more "technical" drone work such as roof inspections, construction progress, mapping, etc., but for now, I am doing picturesque images of industrial facilities, and other large complexes. These would be photos they would use on their websites or for wall hangings. I have done this kind of work for many years from airplanes and helicopters. My rates from manned aircraft usually ranged from $700 to $1,000 and included images taken from various angles and the client got them all and all rights.
I'm only doing still photos for now. I'm not comfortable with video yet and am concerned about getting the jello effect at times. (I use a P4P+).
I've been all over the place in my pricing using a drone, ranging from $100 to $900, but I'm striving to work within the following guidelines: For a smaller facility the price is around $350 for photography from all angles. A larger facility would be priced at $450 to $550 for photography from all angles. If they want the property also broken down with close ups of individual areas or buildings, the price would be $700 and up, depending upon how many separate areas there are to photograph. If their budget is small, I will do photography from just one side for about $250. In all cases photographs are taken from various angles and the client has many images from which to choose. I would happily do $100 jobs, however, if I had lots and lots of them, but my experience has been that they can be just as hard to get as the higher-priced jobs and can be just as spread out, so I might as well go after the higher priced work.
I would like to emphasize that I have been a professional photographer for years and that I do not believe someone without photography experience who buys a drone would be able to provide the same quality. For me the drone is just a platform as was an airplane or helicopter.