I've got to agree with @AH-1G . Our first and foremost task is to fly the aircraft and do it with an abundance of caution. I fly my aircraft with my eyes and "occasionally" look down to confirm flight path etc. Once I've got the aircraft near the needed position I'll compose the picture/video utilizing the display but I'm not solely focused on the screen itself. It's a balance between display device and eyes on the aircraft.
Taking pics/video is the end result but flying the aircraft safely is paramount to everything else.
Even with our VO I spend probably 90% of the travel time watching the aircraft with brief glances to the display for telemetry etc.
Taking pics/video is the end result but flying the aircraft safely is paramount to everything else.
Even with our VO I spend probably 90% of the travel time watching the aircraft with brief glances to the display for telemetry etc.