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@R.Perry - since this is the US, I would not be surprised if they did!

Since this is the US, the plaintiff's attorney will likely submit that the operator should have accounted for the contingency that a group of startled bats panicking out of an unknown location would disrupt the operation. <sarcasm>

I am curious how far laterally the bat-impacted uav traveled in order to then impact a person on the ground. The question always comes up; "how far from people is far enough" and the answer according to the vague regs is "far enough that if something goes wrong, it doesn't impact people".

Still an interesting and insightful case to follow if we can for all of us.
@Dave Pitman - great points. It will be very interesting. One thing I forgot to mention, the woman was standing in a "restricted area" mapped out by the drone company. Security failed to keep her out.
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It will be very interesting. One thing I forgot to mention, the woman was standing in a "restricted area" mapped out by the drone company. Security failed to keep her out.

Very interesting indeed, Joe.

Thank you for your insight. If you could keep us in the loop with the proceedings, that would be appreciated!
@Dave Pitman - great points. It will be very interesting. One thing I forgot to mention, the woman was standing in a "restricted area" mapped out by the drone company. Security failed to keep her out.
Well, that bit of info makes a huge legal difference on the identity of the liable party.;)
@Dave Pitman - great points. It will be very interesting. One thing I forgot to mention, the woman was standing in a "restricted area" mapped out by the drone company. Security failed to keep her out.

We have discussed this several times about this type of incident or accident. We get the information very biased and almost always the fault is the pilot of the drone.

The fact that the woman was in a restricted area clearly indicates two things, that the drone operator took safety measures, so there are limited areas, and that what failed was the entry of unauthorized personnel into a restricted area. There are things that no matter how much we want to control, are uncontrollable and that is where wild animals come in.

Now, the discussion would be, whose fault is it that this zone was not empty? of the drone operator or the organization of the event? Are there frequent flocks of bats in that area? Should they have been taken into account? Who was responsible for those areas?.... and many more questions............

It is very difficult to design a security plan that takes into account all the factors, especially if situations that are not normal come into play. Unfortunately many of these situations are only taken into account with the experience or because they have happened to you or because, as in this case, we learn from the misfortune of others.............

It would be nice to know how this topic ends AviationBroker.

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