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Bottom line, under the right circumstances and the right locations we (manned aviation) can fly as low as we want as long as no part of the aircraft touches the ground. Even the part about not touching the ground can be waived in the right locations as long as it does not induce an incident/accident.

Helicopters in general use lower operating altitudes than fixed wing for aerial separation from fixed wing and visual navigation purposes.
The FAA told you helicopters must remain above 500 feet? According to the FARs there is no such requirement for helicopters. There is for fixed wing.

Well shame on me, I made the assumption they would have the same restrictions. Considering their application I can understand why they would be allowed lower altitudes. I guess I should read the FARs every ten years of so.
Bottom line, under the right circumstances and the right locations we (manned aviation) can fly as low as we want as long as no part of the aircraft touches the ground. Even the part about not touching the ground can be waived in the right locations as long as it does not induce an incident/accident.

Helicopters in general use lower operating altitudes than fixed wing for aerial separation from fixed wing and visual navigation purposes.

That is true, as an ex crop duster fifty feet was a bit too high. As a sub chaser MAD runs were made at 50 feet off the water. However if you are flying around people in an unincorporated area I think 500 is minimum.
"My father was a cop, daughter, cousin, son in law, with another daughter ADA, with motorcycled buddies Sheriffs. Countless times I’ve witnessed and experienced all of them demonstrating how the law applies to “citizens” but not to them. "
Perhaps you need a better class of friends...:D

"You probably would not get pulled over because the officer behind you ran your plates and found it was issued to a member of law enforcement. If they failed to run the plate and pulled you over a quick flash of your flat badge puts you back on your way with a “be careful and have a nice day”. "

I don't know which family member told you there is an MVD/DMV database that flags ex-cops but if there is one in Cali.... it didn't make it to Arizona. When a cop runs a plate here we get:

Vehicle make/model
Wants & Warrants
Expiration date
and that's it....no ex-cop labels. or driver's favorite color, astrological sign, turn ons, favorite music, etc.

I've been stopped by cops who never knew who I was, see there's no secret hand sign. Blabbing you are retired is considered as obnoxious as flashing a badge. Here in AZ "flashing a badge " at cop on a traffic stop is more likely to get you a ticket. That may fly in Cali, but not here.

Notwithstanding your distinguished family, I detect a definite anti authority attitude.
Go with God.....friend.

Another thread gone into the crapper...
View attachment 1581

Luis - here in Texas I think that running a plate also returns whether the vehicle owner has a CHL. I don't know that for a fact, but recall someone telling me that. Do you happen to know if that is the case? (SORRY, I know this just takes the thread further off topic...)
I know of no DMV plate printout that includes any marker flagging a plate as registered by a cop, nor retired cop. Anyone could be driving the car, a friend, family. The myth that cops never write other cops a ticket is just that,, a myth. Arizona state troopers have a reputation for it; they'd write their mother a ticket!
That is true, as an ex crop duster fifty feet was a bit too high. As a sub chaser MAD runs were made at 50 feet off the water. However if you are flying around people in an unincorporated area I think 500 is minimum.

500’ is minimum separation distance, not an altitude limitation.
I know of no DMV plate printout that includes any marker flagging a plate as registered by a cop, nor retired cop. Anyone could be driving the car, a friend, family. The myth that cops never write other cops a ticket is just that,, a myth. Arizona state troopers have a reputation for it; they'd write their mother a ticket!

Just curious. Did you ever give a ticket to a family member, friend, or acquaintance, and if so, was it awkward?
Maybe, maybe not. Conditions matter immensely. In the U.S. the operator would have to be interfering with the duties of law enforcement and safety personnel. Our Supreme Court ruled some years ago that public agency personnel are not protected from being filmed or recorded when conducting official duties. So if stand off distance was safe, no aerial ambulance involved, and no TFR issued he would likely be completely legal.
Yeah, you’d want to keep your distance, however, I see first responder activity pop up as TFRs pretty often, so it’s wise to check and keep checking during flight. That would be a fast-changing situation; you would not know if aerial activity was imminent. Legal could become illegal in a heartbeat.
Ahhhh....I would think people feel that way because he as a drone pilot, was in violation of flying over an emergency scene.... Even if it is a grey area, why push it?? It's going to cost the good pilots in the long run
You may disagree but when you are taking photos of a scene with a drone and either sharing them or are in possession of them, you are interfering with an investigation. No need to have another factor to deal with on a scene, that you may need to shield the scene from.
Most news birds have a professional standard where they will not distribute videos or photos that are graphic or would jeopardize an investigation.
Also, if a drone is over the scene and a medical chopper needs to land, they will more then likely clear the area if the drone is reported. All in all, not a good idea
Are you saying drone pilot has no professional standard? Do you have to work at a TV station to be a professional? Why cant a part 107 pilot do the same as news team? I don't believe a drone is interfering with their investigation if he is above or a flying around a scene. I understand potentially if a Life Flight copter comes in or other news helicopters are in the area then as a drone pilot I believe you must yield the right-of-way and land but in rural areas where I live, a lot of times the only video of the accident or fire comes from someone with a drone. The News agencies are interested in these videos and show them on the news channel.
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can we start issuing cops a small sledge hammer?

Absolutely. Government agencies should do everything in their power to negate citizen’s efforts to maintain civilian oversight. It’s tragic that a Glock, baton, pepper spray, MRAPs, water cannon, and a taser are no longer enough.
Are you saying drone pilot has no professional standard? Do you have to work at a TV station to be a professional? Why cant a part 107 pilot do the same as news team? I don't believe a drone is interfering with their investigation if he is above or a flying around a scene. I understand potentially if a Life Flight copter comes in or other news helicopters are in the area then as a drone pilot I believe you must yield the right-of-way and land but in rural areas where I live, a lot of times the only video of the accident or fire comes from someone with a drone. The News agencies are interested in these videos and show them on the news channel.
A drone pilot does not have direct comm with local agencies, and will not know if Life Flight is coming in.
You can actually ground aircraft if they see a drone in the area, as seen around wildfires in Cali.
CalFire will ground air tankers when a drone is spotted, thus delaying action.
Same at crash sites.
News crews are in direct contact with rescue and won't fly until allowed.
Just stay away from emergency crews.
It's just a form of rubbernecking a traffic accident and is disgusting.
A drone pilot does not have direct comm with local agencies, and will not know if Life Flight is coming in.
You can actually ground aircraft if they see a drone in the area, as seen around wildfires in Cali.
CalFire will ground air tankers when a drone is spotted, thus delaying action.
Same at crash sites.
News crews are in direct contact with rescue and won't fly until allowed.
Just stay away from emergency crews.
It's just a form of rubbernecking a traffic accident and is disgusting.
You make the the assumption that drone pilot does not have contact with the authorities, out here there are several professional drone pilots and we do communicate with those in charge. We are not doung this for our own enjoyment it is sold to local tv station. Just saying.
Absolutely. Government agencies should do everything in their power to negate citizen’s efforts to maintain civilian oversight. It’s tragic that a Glock, baton, pepper spray, MRAPs, water cannon, and a taser are no longer enough.
sheeesh ...relax, dont u know a joke when u see one?
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