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Using the DJI Spark for mapping

Luis, I'm not familiar with Maps Made Easy, I only use Drone Deploy for mapping. The largest site I do is 147 acres and the Inspire will not map it on one set of batteries. I normally break off the mapping at one of the intersections and change batteries. When I continue the mapping it returns to where I broke off and continues the mapping. When it finishes it returns to home unless I take control of it.
I normally position myself in a remote area about in the middle of the site, that way I have visual contact with the drone at all times, and when I do need to switch batteries the drone is close to home point.
The other issue is since this is a busy construction site, I don't do mapping until the construction people get off work reducing possibility of overflying someone. I do the mapping at 300 feet.
@jefferson3 I'll be very interested to hear how you go with the Spark. I'm looking at purchasing a Mavic Air once it's supported by the grid apps. I read on another forum that the image geotagging with the Air isn't adequate as the geotag lats and longs are rounded off? Not sure if there's any truth to that? Does anyone know?

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