I think the issue has moved towards a path that makes no sense. Whether the Chinese or American government or any government is interested in where we fly our drones, it is not in the hands of the manufacturer to dictate where we can or cannot fly. That's really the bottom line.
Many of us have been saying for years that it is something totally unacceptable, that it is not normal for a manufacturer to tell us what we can or cannot do with our drones, that it is not normal that every time you connect to the internet your data is sent (you don't have to be connected to the internet to fly but when you do it to update, your data is sent anyway).
Who determines where or where we can not fly is the government, not a manufacturer. As far as I know neither the US government nor any government has told DJI that it has to provide where the drones it manufactures fly. Therefore, is discarded any security reason that some claim to justify this measure that the manufacturer obtains mandatory this data without allowing the user to choose between providing or not that information. That is where the problem really lies.
Please don't fall into the trap, many say, I don't care if they know where I'm flying or not, so you start to lose your freedom in every way. If I'm not doing anything wrong because you have to know or not where I am, what are those data used for?
In this thread, normal people like us are being limited in our freedom of anonymity and action, presuming that we do things wrong and that therefore, they have to limit the tools we use. It would be very bad if the government did it, but for a manufacturer to do it is simply ridiculous.
Just one more thing to finish, something that I do not understand nor will I ever understand is that many now complain about security, about an alleged espionage by a foreign government and other things when their own government is the most shamelessly spying on their own citizens and also on foreigners in their own countries lying and alleging security reasons, isn't it ipocrit?