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DJI doesn't want to be banned in the US.

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The majority of the DJI end users on here are clueless? Including myself, but yet, we go to work everyday without a single complaint.

Based upon their insistence that what was proven never existed, I’d have to say yes.

The government’s public reports of DJI’s spyware have been carefully written to conceal what they know and how they found it. That DJI is providing an appearance of coming clean is an admission of guilt.
Well, at least good old America is innocent in all of this and would never hack into a foreign powers infrastructure or listen in on phone calls, or data mine its own population.
I mean, could you imagine if an American company the size of Google for instance was collecting data from individuals whilst it was mapping the road structure?
At least an American company would never have microphones in people's houses and have transcripts of conversations using home automation devices.
At least America doesn't spend every minute of every day intercepting sensitive foreign officials cell phones.

Phew.... glad America is squeaky clean.
Oh, and for those of you who are looking to the sky's all the time and only utter words like "They're out to get us" and "The Chinese are watching and listening and gathering" etc etc.
Here's a list of connections that is polled via DJI's servers for anyone using their flight software (Go/Go4 etc)
Personally, I couldn't care less but this should get the tin foil hat brigade all excited and jumping on the spot like Yosemite Sam.

•newrelic.com - app analytics
•flurry.com - Mobile analytics company
•qbox.me (via qbox.wscdns.com) •upgrade.dj2006.net
•acbe.aasky.net -type this one in a browser for a nice scare.

Remember, they are out there (que X-Files music)
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I don’t think anyone has said our government, and others aren’t just as guilty of spying or clandestinely collecting data wherever they can, as they do and have for a long time. Having been employed in government UAS data collection I’m very aware of how that works, and it goes much further than most can begin to understand.

However, I can’t think of any country that goes to the lengths China has to monitor people and activities through consumer product sales. We could compile a long list of products and toys manufactured there that “report back” to various Chinese entities.

Those that like and use DJI equipment should be pleased they work so well but they should do so with their eyes wide open. There’s a lot of people doing all they can to create a false sense of security through corporate spin but the fact remains DJI has collected a tremendous amount of user data and re-wrote their code to better conceal those activities once they were caught while denying they ever did it at all. They also denied their NFZ/GEO program would become mandatory, installed that software in firmware at least one version before they stated it would be released, and generated mandatory firmware updates to assure it was uploaded. They’ve been caught lying too may times to trust them now. In all candor we really can’t fully trust any corporate or government entity as they all lie to distract and conceal their activities and purpose. Those that do trust them and firmly believe they are there to serve you, your best interests, or working to provide us better safety and security is either incredibly naive or incredibly stupid. Of course there is an alternative where they are in bed with a corporation or government and party to the lies.

I can easily imagine a day where there is an open conflict with China, occurring after numerous government agencies have acquired and came to depend on DJI equipment for critical functions, when they need to make use of it for defense purposes and none of that equipment would function, or function in a manner contrary to user commanded input.

Security is all about planning and dealing with “what if?” Those that don’t end up having to deal with the numerous impacts of data breeches.
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This topic is getting old... And you are a smart man.. Your argument is not a stand for safety and security, but a vendetta towards a product that created an illusion that the world is ending.
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People should buy whatever will work best for them, but they should also be aware of what they are or may be getting.
I got banned from that forum 3 times for speaking my mind. If I’m to discredit Yuneec it will not be on a forum, but on Instagram. My post went viral and Yuneec was forced to create a firmware build 784.

You did yourself no favors by insisting the ST-16 did not have its own GPS. Repeatedly. Anyone that’s ever taken the tear cover off of one, as you stated you had in several posts, has seen the Ublox pretty near the middle of the PC board, along with its associated antenna.

It was that moment in time when you verified what many suspected, that you were an expert without experience.
You did yourself no favors by insisting the ST-16 did not have its own GPS. Repeatedly. Anyone that’s ever taken the tear cover off of one, as you stated you had in several posts, has seen the Ublox pretty near the middle of the PC board, along with its associated antenna.

It was that moment in time when you verified what many suspected, that you were an expert without experience.

Yuneec members in the forum are paranoid and defensive, there is no GPS inside the ST16s and Ublox inside the ST16s (Hint*** Android) Your skills and knowledge is ancient hanging on to an old trade. Ublox inside the ST16s? that's hilarious, Yuneec's antenna is from 1999.
There ya go, taking a path similar to those that deny DJI has ever collected user flight data without permission. The evidence is there, the proof was delivered, yet they deny the facts. Steve Carr has posted pictures of the ST-16 board assembly with annotations for the components. Myself and others could do the same but you would deny that proof even if you were shown the proof in person with a widely distributed video to substantiate it. So either you know the -16 GPS is present and for reasons unknown in denial or you’ve never looked to see for yourself, making gross misstatements out of ignorance. Either way that inaccuracy debunks many of your other claims in making system modifications. Had you ever removed the back cover you would have known the truth.

As for me, yes, I am old, retired, and not chasing a buck any more. That’s the benefit of working for 53 years. You don’t have to work any more. Along that route I gained a lot of experience, hand’s on experience, actually doing what I’ve said I’ve done, and can prove it. It’s the difference between walking the walk or being all talk.

You might be interested to learn that not having to work for a living does not mean you no longer try to stay abreast of changing aviation technology, market trends, personal and corporate security, or advancements in military technology. Just because I don’t actively seek employment does not mean I’ve stopped taking advantage of opportunities as they present themselves and my mood dictates.

As for brand BS, I’ll say it again, buy whatever gets the job to be done handled in the way you need it handled. Just know what your getting.
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I think we might all agree Yuneec is pretty much dead, and aside from the 920 had never attempted to even achieve parity with DJI’s features and hardware. The 920 had them in the lead for a bit but the high price and release timing, precisely as our FAA started throwing their weight around prior to implementation of the 333 process, caused such low sales Yuneec couldn’t, and didn’t, pay their bills.

None of that alters the “trust factor” though. If you only think you can trust a manufacturer, not “think” you “might” be able to, you have a problem regardless of who it is. Only one has an easily verified history going back as far as 2013 of misrepresentation, deceit, bald faced lies, breech of trust, breech of contract earning them a temporary court order against importation, and unethical business practices in general. Trust has to be earned and their previous actions have done pretty much everything possible to eliminate any possibility of earned trust.

I love DJI’s hardware, I really do, but their corporate practices and software puts far too many red flags and road blocks in the way to buy their stuff. I can’t trust them. If I could, I would buy and use their products but until that happens there are other trustworthy sources for equipment that is as good or better. Not always cheaper but perhaps one of the prices paid for trust.
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Yuneec’s UK beta tester for the RTK reached to me in YouTube, when I did posted an orbit video and has read my mods. He implemented the same mod to what I’ve done to my drone (relocation of the module away from excessive heat) and successfully flown simple missions with his beta RTK, but there is still a slight problem and I noted it down in one of my threads and it points to the gps and baro source code. It is falls peaking, this is causing the ascending and stall issues in mid flight.

I cannot deny that Yuneec has a place in the commercial arena due to its stability that even the i2 is capable of doing for a certain period of time.

Yuneec has all the pros, but their major downfall is heat, and consistent firmware code and this means hiring a team to write the code and not employing just anyone just to save a buck.

Will I ever buy another Yuneec product? Most likely, but only after reading all of the field reports from now on.

I still see my Typhoon H Plus flying from time to time, because I sold it to one of the Toll Brothers foreman, and I’m also glad that I got rid of my headache.
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