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DJI doesn't want to be banned in the US.

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As strange as it sounds..... Those Wackos probably know more than anyone outside the top Brass.
LOL... you might enjoy the outing if you can avoid the "killer drones" looking for you! :rolleyes:

The warning signs around that place still say “Lethal Force Authorized” don’t they? If so, any attempt to force entry justifies that response.
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The warning signs around that place still say “Lethal Force Authorized” don’t they? If so, any attempt to force entry justifies that response.
;) That, indirectly shines a little different reality than the Govt's downplaying of the same site. Within the "states" the number of sites or bases that clearly post "Lethal Force Authorized" is minimal; even our few MI Bases or Installations configured with 3-4 separate penetration fence rows & MP Stations don't stipulate that degree of authorized response (although I believe it's a given with attached SF units).

Does that prove the multiple space theories; nope, not really... just indicates some thing of "value" still in operation. After all, it was/is a weapons development facility and it's contributed to many successful aircraft & weapons.
Do aliens exist?
That's a loaded question, multiple tangents possible!
On a purely personal opinion, no facts, total speculation...
With the historical events of Inca, Egyptian, and other cultures beginning in the 3500BC up through 1300AD periods and the technologies, architectural, and their knowledge of astronomy & celestial events. I personally find it difficult to accept our ancient ancestry of that time period were able to figure out, travel globally, construct or perform compared to the highly educated of present... or even the early educated cultures of christianity, formulation of early university education of the 1500AD upward doesn't compare in many capacities.

Is our historical timeline the oldest, no one could possibly be more superior?
I don't buy it on many tangents.
Did that already. Although I’m somewhat aware of your previous LEA activities that isn’t the same as being an active participant in government intel generation. Ain’t even close. Much of LEA intel is generated by OGA’s, along with security threat assessments.

Regardless, you are well above what the general public knows and understands. Many don’t have any concept of how intel is obtained, collated for use, or employed. A little insult to injury is that some of them, through their ignorance, make brand loyalty a priority over anything else. For a few getting paid for their loyalty changes the landscape, but those are very few.

For the record, there are companies making secure government multirotors, and they don’t source from China. Some European and Japanese components, but not China’s.
For the record, there are companies making secure government multirotors, and they don’t source from China. Some European and Japanese components, but not China’s.
To chime in... my ramblings were focused on foreign, and not suggesting any negative toward the supreme platforms by USA companies and the awesome hardware made for our military.
You should see what it looks like on the west coast. The community I grew up in and around, Anaheim, CA, was once a mostly English speaking area. Not any more. You’re at an extreme disadvantage if you don’t speak Spanish/Mexican.
You should see what it looks like on the west coast. The community I grew up in and around, Anaheim, CA, was once a mostly English speaking area. Not any more. You’re at an extreme disadvantage if you don’t speak Spanish/Mexican.
I'm biting my lip, this isn't the forum for my soapbox on this subject.
I forget which ones, but several Philosophers over time have stated the minute a country adopts multiple languages as their societal base is the minute the country begins an avenue of decay.
Many countries include English, although not to speak within their society but to interact Internationally.
“I am for doing good to the poor, but...I think the best way of doing good to the poor, is not making them easy in poverty, but leading or driving them out of it. I observed...that the more public provisions were made for the poor, the less they provided for themselves, and of course became poorer. And, on the contrary, the less was done for them, the more they did for themselves, and became richer.”
― Benjamin Franklin

“They who can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety.”
― Benjamin Franklin, Memoirs of the life & writings of Benjamin Franklin
There’s a difference, a big one, between politics and truth. Politics is by its very nature contentious and divisive, where truth has but one position and version. Any alteration of the truth renders it an untruth.

We have permitted modern society to adopt postures where many avoid seeing or accepting truth, instead choosing to manipulate or omit facts to suit their ideology.
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