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Zenmuse X7 for Mapping/Modeling


Oct 30, 2019
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I'm looking at using the X7 for some modeling projects and see that it's capable of a mechanical shutter within a shutter speed range 1/1000-8s. I've asked DJI if there is a way to ensure the camera has shot in the mechanical shutter mode if shooting within the shutter speed specs, but the only answer I received was that in the settings you can enable the mechanical shutter option. Does anyone employ the X7 for mapping/modeling, and can anyone share whether they have a way of verifying the image(s) were shot utilizing the mechanical shutter mode? Appreciate your time and replies in advance.
I'm looking at using the X7 for some modeling projects and see that it's capable of a mechanical shutter within a shutter speed range 1/1000-8s. I've asked DJI if there is a way to ensure the camera has shot in the mechanical shutter mode if shooting within the shutter speed specs, but the only answer I received was that in the settings you can enable the mechanical shutter option. Does anyone employ the X7 for mapping/modeling, and can anyone share whether they have a way of verifying the image(s) were shot utilizing the mechanical shutter mode? Appreciate your time and replies in advance.

Interesting... I knew the X4S was the exact camera as the Phantom4Pro v2, same mechanical leaf shutter making it an ideal choice for survey, geo terrains & mapping. Hadn’t really looked at the X5S or X7 specs regarding mechanical leaf shutter. Interestingly the X4S and X7 have mech shutter below 1/1000 and the X5S is solely Electronic.

I just recently purchased a X7 & 4 Pak lens set... due this week! Which was even more interesting to learn regarding shutter. Since the X5S was electronic, just assumed the X7 was too, and the mechanical was reserved only to the X4S. That provides a new light... another operation the X7 can be used for... although it's a pretty pricey package for survey photos when the X4S works great.

I haven't found the APP "switch" or menu value to turn OFF. But I did find on DJI site... the Mechanical is ON by Default up to 1/1000, and the Electronic does not function below 1/1000 unless the Mechanical is disabled. It's not a could be either or situation, it's a one or the other with Mechanical default.

I would then assume, unless you've disabled... it will always be mechanical under 1/1000s with 3 of the 4 lenses. Not the 16mm lens; the 16mm lens does NOT use Mechanical and will always use the Electronic.
Small Clip out of the DJI X7 Spec Page - Shutter Section:
Mechanical Shutter Speed: 1/1000 – 8s (DJI DL-S 16mm F2.8 ND ASPH not supported)

Clip from DJI, X7 Web page - FAQ Section.
8.How does the leaf shutter work? What are some of its benefits?
When the shutter speed is slower than 1/1000s, the leaf shutter will be automatically enabled but can be manually turned off. The leaf shutter prevents image distortion caused by rolling shutter, stripes resulting from artificial lighting, and motion blur when shooting high-speed objects. Currently, the leaf shutter is only active in Single Shot mode.

Interesting... I knew the X4S was the exact camera as the Phantom4Pro v2, same mechanical leaf shutter making it an ideal choice for survey, geo terrains & mapping. Hadn’t really looked at the X5S or X7 specs regarding mechanical leaf shutter. Interestingly the X4S and X7 have mech shutter below 1/1000 and the X5S is solely Electronic.

I just recently purchased a X7 & 4 Pak lens set... due this week! Which was even more interesting to learn regarding shutter. Since the X5S was electronic, just assumed the X7 was too, and the mechanical was reserved only to the X4S. That provides a new light... another operation the X7 can be used for... although it's a pretty pricey package for survey photos when the X4S works great.

I haven't found the APP "switch" or menu value to turn OFF. But I did find on DJI site... the Mechanical is ON by Default up to 1/1000, and the Electronic does not function below 1/1000 unless the Mechanical is disabled. It's not a could be either or situation, it's a one or the other with Mechanical default.

I would then assume, unless you've disabled... it will always be mechanical under 1/1000s with 3 of the 4 lenses. Not the 16mm lens; the 16mm lens does NOT use Mechanical and will always use the Electronic.
Small Clip out of the DJI X7 Spec Page - Shutter Section:
Mechanical Shutter Speed: 1/1000 – 8s (DJI DL-S 16mm F2.8 ND ASPH not supported)

Clip from DJI, X7 Web page - FAQ Section.
8.How does the leaf shutter work? What are some of its benefits?
When the shutter speed is slower than 1/1000s, the leaf shutter will be automatically enabled but can be manually turned off. The leaf shutter prevents image distortion caused by rolling shutter, stripes resulting from artificial lighting, and motion blur when shooting high-speed objects. Currently, the leaf shutter is only active in Single Shot mode.

Well, Sir, I appreciate the digging you did that has provided a good amount of further detail than I’ve received from DJI so far. Thank you!
I too, thought it interesting the X5S didn’t have this capability, and wholeheartedly agree its a spendy upgrade. I would think this capability would be touted a bit more given the X4S was discontinued.
I’ll be giving the X7 a run this week for these purposes. Best of luck on your upcoming uses, and thanks for your time replying back.
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Well, Sir, I appreciate the digging you did that has provided a good amount of further detail than I’ve received from DJI so far. Thank you!
I too, thought it interesting the X5S didn’t have this capability, and wholeheartedly agree its a spendy upgrade. I would think this capability would be touted a bit more given the X4S was discontinued.
I’ll be giving the X7 a run this week for these purposes. Best of luck on your upcoming uses, and thanks for your time replying back.
Happy to dig, you sparked the interest, digging for both of us. I’d agree, I think they’d make this feature a little more known... although I don’t think to many would purchase the X7 specifically for mapping / modeling... not a lot buy it now even for cinematic, based on percentage of who uses the I2.

The other oddity, the 16mm would probably be the choice lens for modeling & terrain... but yet it won’t trigger the default mechanical shutter.

What lens & altitude planned for the images?

But on the subject of discontinued, the X4S is a good one to hold, you might want to consider picking up one... pretty low price for it’s capability & specs. eBay has several under $750.
Yeah, for the appendage one gives up for a camera/lens combo, it’s not something that receives a lot of fanfare in place of the X4S.

I’ve been using the X4S for just over a year now, or the equivalent in the p4p. Thrilled with how they work. Picked up a 2nd X4S after I learned of their ceased production. I fly the lower air space, so at least in that regard, I don’t see that changing AGL too much with the X7’s integration, at least not until I have some samples for my reference.

I only picked up the 24mm And will see how things go with that for a while for my purposes.
Yeah, for the appendage one gives up for a camera/lens combo, it’s not something that receives a lot of fanfare in place of the X4S.

I’ve been using the X4S for just over a year now, or the equivalent in the p4p. Thrilled with how they work. Picked up a 2nd X4S after I learned of their ceased production. I fly the lower air space, so at least in that regard, I don’t see that changing AGL too much with the X7’s integration, at least not until I have some samples for my reference.

I only picked up the 24mm And will see how things go with that for a while for my purposes.
Sounds like ya got it covered, and I was also considering a 2nd X4S while new/low good condition were easily available.

Good luck on the X7 usage, since you have experience with X4S quality & detail, I'd enjoy hearing your opinion of the X7 24mm setup in comparison. I've read a few threads where a few have indicated the X7 has a deliberate softness on sensor overlay, that always concerned me but confused me too... sounds counterproductive.

Are you processing your images or uploading to service? Just curious if self processing can pull little more detail from the X7 images... like a little pre-work prior? I'm just a MME currently, but looking into local processing.
Yeah, I lucked out and found a steal of a price for a new X4S a few months back. Kicking myself I didn't grab an additional from that stock, but one only needs so many cameras is what I keep telling myself :)

I process locally. I've been using PIX4D to date, but just recently picked up Metashape. I haven't even sent one job through Metashape yet, so I don't have any feedback there. I really like PIX4D and it's ease of use. I'm anxious to try the new product Survey they've got in the demo use now.

Thanks for the feedback and encouragement. I've been reading the same as you with the softness geared towards the cinematic use. I'm hoping that is not the case and can be adjusted, especially for such a high level of camera. I've been discussing with some colleagues in my area who've been using it, and they are quite happy with the results. I'm hoping to pick their brains a little more specifically on these same topics when the chance arrives.

I'll do my best to give some feedback after some time and use with the X7. I know it's supposed to be a superior camera in specs to the X4S, but for what I've used the X4S for, the X7 has a tall order to fill and I suspect my learning curve is going to be steep as well in order to draw as much out of it as possible. Will share once I feel like I've spent enough time in the tumbler.

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